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Post #7109

Recreational Pilots Licence RPL / BAK Pilot Practice Exams

To pass your RPL exams, you need to make sure you cover:

  1. The RPL Syllabus; and
  2. The BAK Syllabus; and
  3. Basic  – GAF, GWPT, TEM, GNSS; and
  4. Charts (takeoff landing, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie); and
  5. Do the basics of New fuel reg’s for day VFR private flights: and
  6. Then do the final prep exams, until you are scoring mid 90’s; and
  7. Only after these, should you look to do textbook or paper based exams, to cover all bases

You are not ready until you can consistently score 93% plus, on a wide variety of exams.


1. RPL Final Prep Exams

RPL Final Prep 1

Do 40 of 94 questions. Use these last, just prior to exam. Build knowledge with others first!

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 2

Do 40 of 84 questions. Use these last, just prior to exam. Build knowledge with others first!

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 3

Do 30  of 69 questions on licence limits and requirments, power plants and GNSS.

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 4

Do 40  of 124 questions on flight rules and conditions.

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 5

Do 40  of 87 questions on aerodynamics

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 6

Do 40  of 120 taxiing, takeoff, landing, direction, distance, velocity, time, units and physics.

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 7

Do 40  of 69 questions on fuel, perfromance and loading charts.

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 8

Do 40  of 87 questions on meteorology

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 9

Do 30  of  68  questions on Human Factors and TEM

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 10

Do 40  of  106  questions on aircraft systems from BAK

Start Practice Exam

RPL Final Prep 11

Do 30 questions of 116 questions

On Radio drawn from all over the site

taken from RAA RPL PPL Section

Start Practice Exam

The RPL Syllabus Practice Exams

Licence Limits & Requirements

RPL Lic Limits & Req’s

41 questions on RPL power plant, carb ice, licence limitations and requirements (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

Flight Rules And Air Law

The VFRG will be your best buddy in the exam for air law or flight rules questions, CASA regularly runs out of stock. Order one ASAP, you will want it for RPL and PPL.

Rules & Flight Cond’s 1

38 questions on rules and flight conditions (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

Rules & Flight Cond’s 2

44 questions on rules and flight conditions (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

Rules & Flight Cond’s 3

42 questions on rules and flight conditions (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Air Law 1

Do 13 questions

Student Pilot Rules

Alcohol, Smoking

Start Practice Exam

RPL Air Law 2

Do 7 questions

Aerodrome Markings

Runways & Others

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Air Law 3

Do 10 questions

Right Of Way

Giving Way

Start Practice Exam

RPL Air Law 4

Do 15 questions

Student Pilot Rules

& Requirements

Start Practice Exam

RPL Air Law 5

Do 15 questions

Passengers, Children

& Infants

Start Practice Exam

Order A VFRG

Priority #1 get a current copy of the VFRG .

Click here to order.  Check out other free publications to have posted with it, while they are sending it.

Online VFRG Here

Aerodynamics, Climbing, Descending & Manoeuvres (Aero)

RPL Aerodynamics 1

39 questions on RPL Aerodynamics. The latest Syllabus questions (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerodynamics 2

48 more questions on RPL Aerodynamics.  The latest Syllabus questions (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerody.. Controls

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam 1 of 2

Aerodynamics, Control Surfaces

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerody. Controls 2

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam  2 of 2

Yaw, Roll, Pitch, Axis of rotation

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerodynamic Design

Do 23 questions, exam 1 of 2

Flaps, Balancers, Drag

Flap Types, Flutter

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerodynamic Design 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 2

Trim, Tail Draggers

Slipstream, Pressure

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerody.. Forces

Do 21 questions, exam 1 of 3

Aerodynamics Forces, Vectors

A of A, Stalling, Airfoils

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Aerody.. Forces 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

Start Practice Exam

RPL Aerody.. Forces 3

Do 22 questions, exam 3 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

Start Practice Exam

RPL Taxiing, TOFF & LDG

23 questions on taxiing, takeoff & landing.  (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Climbing

Do 15 questions

Angle, Rate

Performance, Scenarios

Start Practice Exam

RPL Descending

Do 10 questions

Descending, Power, Weight

Wind, Wind Shear

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Manoeuvres 1

Do 15 questions, exam 1 of 2

Turns, Bank Angle, Balance

Load Factors, Calculations

Start Practice Exam

RPL Manoeuvres 2

Do 26 questions, exam 2 of 2

Wind In Turns, Stalling IAS

Stalls, Wake Turbulence

Start Practice Exam

Meteorology & Local Meteorology (MET)

RPL Meteorology  1

40 questions on RPL Meteorology (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Meteorology  2

47 more questions on RPL Meteorology (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Local Meteor…1

Do 10 questions

Fog & Frost. For BAK

taken from PPL Section

Start Practice Exam

RPL Local Meteor…2

Do 15 questions

Storms.  For BAK

taken from PPL Section

Start Practice Exam


This exam covers the new (Nov 17) GAF & GPWT. Refer to feedback half way down page.

Start Practice Exam

Performance & Loading

Know the new fuel requirements, mainly for private day VFR fixed reserves.

Know your takeoff and landing performance charts well. You will definitely get TO and LDG charts, and probably an Alpha, Bravo or Charlie loading system chart.

New Fuel Nov 2018

Major new fuel reserve times were introduced in Nov 2018. Use this for the latest style of calculations.

New Fuel Exam

RPL C of G

Do 15 questions

C of G, Moments


Start Practice Exam

Loading Systems

Loading Questions, this exam is in early development, pls provide feedback.

Start Practice Exam

Charts Advice

CASA identified charts as a cause of fails. Make sure you read this section.

Start Practice Exam

RPL Loading & Performance

50 questions.  Make sure you download the PPL/CPL Workbook here. Know Alpha Bravo Charlie Day VFR Workbook   and TO & LDG perfromance charts..

Start Practice Exam

RPL PPL CPL Workbook

Make sure you know this workbook inside out and back to front except the Echo loading system.

Download Now

RPL Performance 1

Do 16 questions

Density & Pressure Alt

TORA, TODA, Charts etc

Start Practice Exam

RPL Performance 2

Do 16 questions

Takeoff Performance

Surfaces etc

Start Practice Exam

RPL Perfromance 3

Do 40 questions, IAS, TAS, CAS

Calculations,Taken from PPL

Start Practice Exam

Human Factors & TEM

You wont get examined very deeply on any of these, but expect to see some Human Factors about hypoxia, vision, smoking and alcohol. TEM just know the basics of the 3 types and an example of each.

Human Factors

Use these RAA HF exams. Focus on Final Prep 1 & 2 and pay close attention to times for alcohol and hypoxia.

Go To RAA HF Exams


Threat and error management used to be CPL. CASA is sneaking more and more of it into RPL and PPL.

TEM Exam


RTF Alphabet

Do 26 questions

As Multi choice or

Fill In the Blank

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Radio & Comm’s

Do 20 questions

Radio & Communications

Mayday Pan. More at bottom↓

Start Practice Exam

RPL Navigation

RPL Navigation

Do 15 questions

Navigation.  For BAK

taken from PPL Section

Start Practice Exam

Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) Syllabus Exams


28 questions on GNSS ( GPS & GLONASS )  (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

BAK Direction Distance Speed Velocity

Do 33 questions on direction, distance velocity  (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

BAK Fuel Oil & Engine Handling

Do 29 questions on fuel oil and engine handling  (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

BAK Time Units Physics

Do 35 questions on time, time conversion, units of measure, basic physics  (added Dec 2018)

Start Practice Exam

RPL Engine & Carby

Do 15 questions

Engine, Strokes

Carby, Carb Ice

Start Practice Exam

RPL Oil & Magneto

Do 20 questions

Oil System, Oils

Magneto, Spark Plugs

Start Practice Exam

RPL Electrical System

Do 20 questions

Battery, Alternator, Circuit Breakers

Starter, Bus Bar, Fuses

Start Practice Exam

RPL Fuel System

Do 15 questions

Octane, Mixture, Gravity

Pumps, Contamination

Start Practice Exam

RPL Instruments

Do 25 questions

Gyro, AH, AI, DG

Turn & Bank, Compass

Start Practice Exam

RPL Cockpit

Do 10 questions

IAS, Artificial Horizon

Weights & Configurations

FREE Practice Exam

Helicopter Exams


New – July 2018

Helicopter specific questions for RPL (H) and PPL (H)

Reference: VFRG (H)

Helicopter Exam

Helicopter 2

New – July 2018

Helicopter specific questions for RPL (H) and PPL (H)

Reference: VFRG (H)

Helicopter Exam

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Do these and the RPL Syllabus first. You must be able to score in the mid 90’s in every one of these, or you are not ready.

Tips for candidates whose schools have internal BAK exams.


The BAK is usually an internal set exam and does vary from flight school to flight school.

Topics to cover include:
Aerodrome symbols and markings
Right of way
Flights over water
VMC for different classes of airspace
How low can you fly to the ground
Privileges and limitations of RPL
Smoking near aircraft
Drugs and alcohol
Max operating altitude
Last light requirements
Prohibited, restricted and danger areas
Low flying
Aerobatic flights
Control airspace separation
Airspace classes
Where to find airfield information
Flight above clouds
Formation flying
VTC chart symbology
Accidents and incidents
Carriage of passengers
Transponder codes
Aircraft eligible to fly in controlled airspace
See and avoid.
Which way to turn in emergency collision avoidance
Fuel and pre-flight check requirements
Distance from aerodrome allowed
Local radio frequencies
These will be in our RPL and PPL section


IMPORTANT – Recent Feedback


Distance behind other aircraft for takeoff  weighing 2000kg on a 1000m runway – crosses the upwind end of the runway

Minimum hours required for RPL  25

When are land breezes most likely –evening

Stall angle is determined by  – airflow over wings, stall angle unaffected by weight, etc

How much does x number of litres of avgas weigh refer to conversion table in vfrg

How low can you fly over water  500 ft

What cones indicate a damaged tarmac area – red and white 

When to wear a seat belt below 1000 ft 

Pressure height, density height you need to calculate an exact figure

What type of rain associates with nimbocumulus cloud heavy rain?

Dangers of wind-shear – loss of headwind?

Interpret a synoptic chart

3 marks – Takeoff chart – max takeoff weight – exact figure

3 marks – landing chart – distance required – exact figure

3 marks – loading system bravo – how much baggage can be carried based on set figures…ensure litres are converted to pounds conversion table in the vfrg.  exact figure

How is a moment calculated?

The voltage is provided by alternator and battery etc

Level out from climb, what do you need to do to the aoa as the speed increases

Wake turbulence is worse on a  – still day, wet day, windy day etc

Dangers of incorrect fuel – detonation etc

Where does the oil  go If the oil filer is blocked –  I selected the oil filter bypass?

What happens to the instruments when you turn on the ground – AH, turn co-ordinator, balance ball etc

Number of landings to carry passengers – 3 take off and landings in 90 days?

Strongly Advise: print out the ppl/cpl casa workbook to practice the loading sheets, borrow a vfrg to become familiar with it


CASA Exam information

Contains info on times, cost, permitted materials and more.

RPL and PPL go here : https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/rpl-and-ppl-exams

For CPL go here: https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/cpl-exams

Visual Flight Rules Guide (aka VFRG)

The VFRG is going to be incredibly useful in the RPL and PPL exams. You must have an official hard copy.

The online version is available here:  http://vfrg.casa.gov.au/

Highly Relevant CAAP’s

CAAP 92-1 ALA’s

CAAP 234 Guidelines For Aircraft Fuel Requirements

Draft version of CAAP 234-2 Guidelines For Aircraft Fuel Requirements has excellent fuel reserve diagrams, last 2 pages

CAAP 235 Carriage & Restraint Of Small Children In Aircraft

CAAP 166 Operations In The Vicinity Of Non-Controlled Aerodromes

CASA is preparing a CAAP for flight crew on the effects of scuba diving on flying

All CASA legislative and advisory instruments available here


CASA is preparing a CAAP for flight crew on the effects of scuba diving on flying

Advice on scuba diving information

CASA is preparing a CAAP for flight crew on the effects of scuba diving on flying, including recommendations on how long an aircrew member should not fly following a particular scuba diving session. This CAAP will provide recommendations based on recent medical findings. Until this is published, only the general aspects of the effect of scuba diving on flying (but not the associated time constraints) will be examined. When the CAAP is published, candidates and instructors shall refer to the CAAP as the ‘master’ reference for the study of this CPL topic.

In the meanwhile, for readers seeking guidance on how long they should not fly after a scuba diving session, they are advised to refer to their own aviation medical experts.

Even though the above is on the CASA CPL Exams page, I know for a fact they have questions on the heights that scuba recommendations affect and the hours between deco or non-deco  dives and flying.

Highly Relevant CAO’s

Most of the CAO’s 20. ######
20.2 Precautions Before Flight
20.11 Emergency Equipment & Pax Control In emergencies
CAO 20.16.3 Carriage Of Persons
CAO 20.7.4 Aeroplane Weight & Performance Limitations < 5700kg Private
CAO 20.9 Precautions In Refueling….
CAO 29.5 Air Services Operations – Dropping Articles From Aircraft

All CASA legislative and advisory instruments available here

Highly Relevant CASR

61.112 – 61.118 Flying As A Student Pilot

61.120 / 61.125 Operations Wwith/without Radio Licence

61.16 Grant Of Flight Crew Licences

61.375 / 61.380 / 61.390 / 61.395 Limitations On Exercise Of Privileges Of Pilot Licence

61.400 Flight Reviews

61.405 / 61.410  Medical Requirements

61.420 Documents To Be Carried

61.422 English Language Requirements

61.755 Design Features Requiring Endorsements

61.430 Taxi, 61.435 / 61.1227 Radio

61.460 – 61.500 RPL

61.505 – 61.515 PPL

61.525 Training Requirments

67.235 Pregnancy

67.265 / 67.272 Obligations To Tell CASA Of Medical Changes / Impaired Flying

All CASA legislative and advisory instruments available here


Highly Relevant AIP

The AIP is to big to list all relevant items, know whats in it and how to find things in it during your exam. The VFRG will be quicker for most things.

****Learn to use the contents starting on approx page 19*****

AIP ENR 1.4-1 to 13  Airspace Classifications

AIP ENR 1.14-1 to 10 Accidents and Incidents and Reporting

All CASA legislative and advisory instruments available here


Highly Relevant CAR

Part 1 Reg 2 (6) – (10) Definitions ~
CAR’s For Flight Rules 149-159 Towing, Dropping, Picking Up People, Parachute Ops, Public Gatherings, Low Flying, Radio Failure
CAR 143 -144 Firearms Carriage & Discharge
CAR 150 Dropping Articles
CAR 156 Flight Over Public Gatherings
CAR’s For Rules Of The Air 161 – 163 Right Of Way & Collision Prevention
CAR 166-166E For Non-Controlled Aerodromes & CAR 167 Is Controlled Aerodromes
CAR 170 – 174D VFR Rules 175-181 IFR Rules
CAR 182-203 Signals, 226 Dual Controls**** , 227 -248 Know where to find them if needed.
General Ops CAR’s 249 Prohibited Pax, 251 Seatbelts***, 252 Emergency Systems, 252A ELT,, 254 Do Not Obstruct Exits,
255 Smoking** , 253 Life Saving Equipment****** , 256 Intoxicate Pilots**** , CAR 256A Carriage Of Animals***, 257 Aerodrome Met Minima
258 Flights Over Water ******
Schedule 8 Maintenance That Can Be Carried Out By Pilots ~pg37
All CASA legislative and advisory instruments available here

CAR is allowed int he exam and can be very useful if you to used the index.

Highly Relevant Charts & Nav Gear For PPL


Sydney, Townsville & Bourke WACs, AUS PCA, ERSA, Learn To Use Your Flight Calculator (Dist, Time, Fuel)


General Helpful

CASA Aviation Abbreviations

CAAP’s Civil Aviaiton Advisory Publications – Read In Conjunction With CAR’s

CAR Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 Most Needed Stuff Is In Vol 3

CAR Volume 3  Covers Radio, Aerodromes, ATS, Flight Rules****, Signals and more.

CAA Civil Aviation Act – Mainly Aimed At Regulators Not Pilots


The RPLA exam is based primarily on the requirements of Part 61, MOS Schedule 3, Units 1.1.1 BAKC and 1.1.2 RBKA.

Unit 1.1.1                 BAKC: Basic aeronautical knowledge – all aircraft categories

Unit 1.1.2                 RBKA: Basic aeronautical knowledge – aeroplane

You will also need a hard copy of THE VISUAL FLIGHT RULES GUIDE [VFRG]

Available from a range of places including http://www.vfrg.com.au

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