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RAA Flight Test

From The Operations Manual On The RAA Website

9. Prior to a Student or Converting Pilot being recommended for the issue of
a Pilot Certificate, they will be required to undertake a flight test with a CFI.
The Student or Converting Pilot will satisfactorily demonstrate to the CFI their
competence to control the aeroplane in accordance with the RAAus Syllabus of
Flight Training.


From The Syllabus Of Flight Training On The RAA Website

The following syllabi specify the MINIMUM standard of knowledge required. The
competency codes outlined below specify the levels required for each individual
item within a particular subject, as follows:

Level 3 is the required competency for solo conduct of the intended operation.
This code represents the competency of the member to perform the activity
correctly without instructional assistance under carefully supervised
conditions in a safe environment.

Level 2 is the competency required for the operation to be safely completed at
a Pilot Certificate level. This represents the student’s ability to be able
to competently and without instructional assistance, perform the activity
correctly and adjust actions to cope with emergencies under uncontrolled