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CPL Pilot Practice Exams CADH Aerodynamics

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7 Subjects

CPL Practice Exam Questions CADH

CPL Aerodynamics CADH

This content is from MOS unit 1.3.3 and is helicopter specific.

Recommended & Our Referenced Textbook: ASA The Principles of Helicopter Flight: 2nd Edition by W.J Wagtendonk



Do 20 random questions from 30+


Do 20 random questions from 30+


Do 20 random questions from 30+


Do 20 random questions from 30+


Do 20 random questions from 120 questions from CADH 1-4


Do 20 random questions from 130 questions from CADC

CPL Aerodynamics - Common Unit 1.3.1

This content is from MOS unit 1.3.3 and is common to both aeroplane and helicopter. All aeroplane specific questions have been removed.

Optional Textbook: Bob Tait CPL Aerodynamics (Actual Book Version).  Aerodynamics does not change rapidly like other areas of study, so a used textbook will be fine.


CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+


CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+


CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+


CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+


CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

In law exams or law parts of exams it is extremely unlikely that you will be given any law references.

We sometimes include them in the questions to help candidates towards the beginning of their study find things.

A huge part of law is you knowing how to find things quickly. Read and check the legislation and DO NOT rely on memory for answers.

PPE’s Ultimate Law Guide PDF, will become the ultimate study buddy, for locating the laws and ticking off when you know them.

Ultimate Law Guide List

For ATPL Law Only – Anthony’s Guide

http://bit.ly/PPE-Anthonys-Law-Guide .pdf

Please note these need updating since Dec 2021 – We will get to them soon. 

Read this carefully before every exam and check for the latest permitted matrials on this first link:

Check CASA Website  For Latest Permitted Materials

RPL and PPL Permitted Materials

CPL Permitted Materials

IREX & Ratings Permitted Materials

ATPL Permitted Materials

Download Our Speedy Summary Of Permitted Materials

You are welcome to self print and bind these, but, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for making sure they comply, before trying to enter an exam room with them.

When using extracts, they are a starting point. If you find yourself using other snippets, ad them to your extract. Work out a highlighting colour code system. 

Please note these need updating since Dec 2021 – We will get to them soon. 

Please do NOT share these below.

PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 1 Extract

PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 3 Extract

PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 4 Extract

PPE’s CASR 1998 Extract

CAO 48.1 2019 (all other versions no longer in force)

CPL Law expect 3-4 FDP questions.

AC 91-15v1.1 Guidelines for aircraft fuel requirements

AC 91-25v1.0 Fuel and oil safety

PPE’s IREX Law Extract

To Categorise flight operations you have to dig through the CASR dictionary / definitions and the following pages. To my knowledge there is no one location that clearly sums them all up in the detail you are after for each.



Part 91 applies to all aviation operations except drones.

There are additional rules for pilots operating under an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) or other certificate, or those conducting defined activities such as aerial work, aerial application and some recreational aviation activities. These rules are in other CASR Parts and may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.



Part 121 generally applies to air transport operations in aeroplanes with a seating capacity of more than 9 seats, or a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of more than 8,618 kg.


Subpart 121.Z applies to air transport operations in single-engine aeroplanes with a seating capacity of more than 9 seats and a MTOW of 8,618 kg or less.


All operators and pilots also need to comply with Part 91 – General operating and flight rules, noting that Part 121 may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.



Part 135 of CASR applies to air transport operations in aeroplanes with a maximum seating capacity of nine and a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 8,618 kg or less.


Subpart 121.Z applies if you are operating single-engine aeroplanes with a seating capacity of more than 9 seats. However, you must comply with the majority of Part 135.


Some operators may be able to operate an aeroplane with up to 13 seats if they are already conducting these operations and meet the requirements.


All operators and pilots also need to comply with Part 91 of CASR General operating and flight rules, noting that Part 135 may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.




Part 133 applies to air transport operations in helicopters, gyroplanes or powered lift aircraft.

All operators and pilots also need to comply with Part 91 of CASR General operating and flight rules, noting that Part 133 may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.



All operators and pilots also need to comply with Part 91 of CASR General operating and flight rules, noting that Part 138 may add to or turn off some Part 91 requirements – either completely or partially.

Aeroplane operators may choose whether to conduct dispensing operations under Part 138 or Part 137 of CASR Aerial application operations. Requirements for the dropping or releasing of any substance overlap for Part 138 and Part 137. Note: Part 137 only applies to aeroplanes.

Download, print and tick. Click to download here. 

Please note these have now been updated since Dec 2021 

Warning: over highlighting may make your AIP unusable. However, we do suggest highlighting the sections you use to study.***

AIP GEN & ENR Highlight Contents Then Destroy June 2022

PPL Ground Theory Notes PDF

PPL Ground Theory Test PDF

For Flight Tests

Be sure to check in the Main Menu > Other > Flight Test > PPL

This is a one page PDF to get you all the basics in one place.

Calculation of ETP and Asymmetric ETP are for CPL upwards only.

Note only very basic ETP would be in CNAV. Any hard ETP or PNR will be in CFPA exams only. At one stage CASA slipped a few into CNAV, but we believe that error has been rectified.

Click here to download

RPL Aerodynamics Exams

These questions are from the RPL(A) units. Previous helicopter exam candidates have commented that they are still very useful.

RPL Aerodynamics Controls

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam 1 of 2

Aerodynamics, Control Surfaces

RPL Aerodynamics Controls 2

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam  2 of 2

Yaw, Roll, Pitch, Axis of rotation

RPL Aerodynamics Forces

Do 21 questions, exam 1 of 3

Aerodynamics Forces, Vectors

A of A, Stalling, Airfoils

RPL Aerodynamics Forces 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

RPL Aerodynamics Forces 3

Do 22 questions, exam 3 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

RPL Aerodynamic Design

Do 23 questions, exam 1 of 2

Flaps, Balancers, Drag

Flap Types, Flutter

RPL Aerodynamic Design 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 2

Trim, Tail Draggers

Slipstream, Pressure

RPL Climbing

Do 15 questions

Angle, Rate

Performance, Scenarios

RPL Descending

Do 10 questions

Descending, Power, Weight

Wind, Wind Shear

RPL Manoeuvres 1

Do 15 questions, exam 1 of 2

Turns, Bank Angle, Balance

Load Factors, Calculations

RPL Manoeuvres 2

Do 26 questions, exam 2 of 2

Wind In Turns, Stalling IAS

Stalls, Wake Turbulence

Permitted Materials List From CASA Website

Always check the CASA website for updated lists and requirements.

Your invigilator will give you some things before the exam, which you must hand back at the end. These include:

  • pen
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • scribble pad.