If you cannot login, please reset your password.



If you are having trouble, please find a relevant FAQ and read through the solution it provides.

Login & Account FAQ's

To create an account, simply purchase a membership. During checkout you will have the option to login or provide details to create a new account.

If you already have an account, you do not need a second account, you can add more memberships to the same account as necessary and you will have access to all of them until each individually expires.

Please go to: https://www.pilotpracticeexams.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword

Enter your username or email address associated with your account and click “Get New Password”.

You will be emailed a link to reset your password.

To change your password after you have logged in, go to: https://www.pilotpracticeexams.com/membership-login/membership-profile/edit-account/

Under the heading “Password change”, you will need to enter your current password in the first box, your new password in the second box, and then confirm your new password in the third box.

After you have filled out all three boxes, click “Save changes”.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Practice Exams and see if the relevant membership is in the list under “Your Practice Exams – Active & Renewed”. If it is, proceed to step 4.
  2. Go to My Practice Exams and see if the relevant membership is in the list under “Your Practice Exams – Renewable”. If it is, your membership has expired and is able to be renewed or repurchased.
  3. Go to Orders and check the date of your purchase. If older than 3 months (12 months for CPLA, CPLH or ATPL All 7 Subject memberships), your membership is likely expired and will need to be repurchased.
  4. Clear your cache, restart your browser and try again. More details on how to do this in the FAQ titled “How do I clear my cache?”.
  5. Contact us by filling out this form.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Courses and see if the relevant membership is in the list under “Your Courses – Active & Renewed”. If it is, proceed to step 4.
  2. Go to My Courses and see if the relevant membership is in the list under “Your Courses – Renewable”. If it is, your membership has expired and is able to be renewed or repurchased.
  3. Go to Orders and check the date of your purchase. If older than 3 months, your membership is likely expired and will need to be repurchased.
  4. Clear your cache, restart your browser and try again. More details on how to do this in the FAQ titled “How do I clear my cache?”.
  5. Contact us by filling out this form.

These instructions are for Google Chrome but will ‘generally’ apply to other browsers.

Navigate to the browser settings, usually the three dots in the top right, and select “Clear Browsing Data”.

In the window that opens, make sure you are in the Advanced Tab and select these two boxes:

  1. Cookies and other site data
  2. Cached images and files

Then press “Clear data.

You can also try pressing Ctrl + F5 on Windows, or Cmd + Shift + R on Mac whilst on our website. This should refresh the cache specifically for that page/site.

None of our current memberships for practice exams or theory coures are subscriptions.

This means you only pay when you add it to your cart and checkout, we will not take any automatic payments from you weekly, monthly or yearly so there is nothing to cancel.

If you don’t need the practice exams or course anymore, simply let them expire.

Yes you can!

You can request to have multiple accounts combined under one username by completing our Account Combination Form. 

We will only combine the accounts if we can confirm they were created/paid for by the same person.

Purchasing FAQ's

Click here and choose the option that aligns with the exams you are studying for.

Click “Buy Now” which will add it to your cart. If you need any others, you can add those too and purchase them at the same time.

If you are a flight school or instructor you can order in bulk for your students.

To do this, you will need a Flight School account which we set up for FREE. Then you will be able to use the Flight School Order Form.

This form allows you to add as many students as you need to purchase for, and select whichever levels they need. This will generate an invoice for you which you can print or save as a PDF and then make payment via bank transfer.

Contact us here to get set up.

You should purchase the membership that aligns with the licence/rating you are studying for.

Some licences/ratings will have a practice exams membership and a theory course membership. You can purchase one or both, depending on your needs.

Each membership will have its own expiry date based on when you purchase it, so you can have multiple at once.

Yes you can!

You can now purchase multiple memberships, whether it be the practice exams and course for a particular licence, or multiple subjects for CPL, or any other combination, you can have as many as you need at one time.

Each membership will have its own expiry date depending on the date of purchase.

Depending on the membership you choose, it may last for 3 or 12 months.

For memberships like RPL, PPL or single subjects from CPL and ATPL, you will get 3 months to use the practice exams or course before it expires. This is more than enough time to pass your exam for 90% of candidates, provided you aren’t taking too much time off.

For CPL or ATPL bundles with all 7 subjects, we allow 12 months before all subjects expire. This is so you can study and take each subjects exam in any order you choose and have plenty of time to pass.

If you need extra time, renewal options are available in the 14 days following expiry, or you can always repurchase later when you are ready to continue studying.

When your membership expires, you will have 2 options available to you.

Option 1: Renew the membership for 30 days, which costs $30. This option will be available for 14 days after expiry, and then it will disappear.

Option 2: Repurchase the membership entirely and get another 3 or 12 months.

If you had a 12 month membership, you will have a 3rd option to renew for 3 months for $107 and get access to all 7 subjects again.

To view expired memberships within their 14 day period, go here for practice exams and here for courses.

To purchase memberships, go here.

The short answer is no.

When you purchase our memberships, the price you pay is not directly related to the length of time you get to study. It is more related to the content you gain access to, and the expiry period is simply a standard period we have chosen to allow most people enough time to pass.

If you need a different membership to continue your training, you can simply purchase it from the “Join Now” page, it will have a different expiry date and you can continue to view both memberships until they each expire.

The short answer is rarely.

Due to the nature of our products, refunds can rarely be offered and are only given in very particular circumstances.

We understand that learning to fly is expensive, which is why we haven’t increased our prices in the last 10 years.

We also believe we are one of the least expensive and best value tools for your study, and so we do not offer further discounts.

IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to choose the subject and product that is right for you by researching or contacting CASA.

If you have purchased the wrong product, such as the wrong subject, or the course instead of the practice exams, please contact us IMMEDIATELY.

The longer you wait before contacting us the harder it will be for us to help you.

Because of the nature of our products, our window for refunds and swaps is very small. If you need to swap memberships or require a refund for any reason, you should contact us as soon as possible here.

If you are having trouble purchasing we can help you manually make payment and get set up.

Go here to contact us and provide the following information:

  1. The subjects/licences you need and whether it is the practice exams or theory course.
  2. If already a member, please provide your username.
  3. If not a member, your first and last name, and email.

We will email you back with the price and where to make payment (bank transfer) as soon as we can. Once payment is made, please reply to our email with a screenshot of the payment confirmation.

Once payment clears, we will setup your account as soon as possible.

Our primary payment method is now credit/debit card during checkout.

You can also choose to pay via bank transfer at checkout. This will place your order on hold until payment clears and we complete your order. 

Please note: Bank transfer will not provide immediate access to the membership.

We do not currently offer any BNPL facilities, however some BNPL providers allow you to use a temporary card number when purchasing online, you may be able to use this when checking out with us.

For any queries, please contact your BNPL provider as we cannot help you with this.


Other FAQ's

Absolutely, you can pass with self study and many do.

With a solid study commitment every day, allow 3-4 weeks per subject, and about 6-8 weeks for Performance.

Will I need a tutor?

If you struggle with the harder subjects (indicated with and *** below)  then we suggest you put aside $40 per hour for a tutor for the harder subjects. We will always aim to have a few pre-vetted tutors we can recommend.


1. Human factors – easiest
2. Aero helps Perf *** (allow 2-3 hours tutoring)
3. Met which helps with Nav & Perf
4. Nav*** which helps with Law & Perf (allow 1-2 hours tutoring)
5. Performance*** will help with Law (the hardest, allow 2-5 hours tutoring)
6. Law with the highest pass mark of 80% (just know how to find stuff and use our guides)

IREX*** is full of Law and should be done between CPL and ATPL (allow 3-5 hours tutoring)

Tim Lindley just passed all 7 via home study in 8 months using PPE and the Bob Tait textbooks.


Planning, Performance and Systems (combined with Aero) are quiet different in ATPL compared to CPL. Planning is very difficult so do not leave it to last or a lockout may impact your finish date and window.

For people studying full time who will have no issues with the 2 year window my suggested order of ATPL exams is:

1. Law with the highest pass mark of 80% and having just sat IREX which has lots of Law
2. Human factors – has good overlap with CPL HUF (no tutoring)
3. Met which helps with Nav & Perf & Planning (1-2 hours tutoring)
4. Nav which helps with Law & Perf & Planning (2-4 hours tutoring)
5. Aero & Systems – helps with Perf and Planning (2-4 hours tutoring)
6. Performance will helps Planning (3-5 hours tutoring)
7. Flight Planning*** – the really hard one (5+ hours tutoring)

Do CPL in this order to deliberately avoid leaving Performance to last.:

1. Human factors – pretty much unrelated, use it to warm up
2. Aero helps Perf
3. Met which helps with Nav & Perf
4. Nav which helps with Law & Perf
5. Performance will help with Law (you can swap this to 6th but not 7th)
6. Law with the highest pass mark of 80% (you can swap this to 5th)

IREX is full of Law and should be done between CPL and ATPL.

Planning, Performance and Systems (combined with Aero) are quiet different in ATPL compared to CPL. Planning is very difficult so do not leave it to last or a lockout may impact your finish date and window.

For people studying full time who will have no issues with the 2 year window my suggested order of ATPL exams is:

1. Law with the highest pass mark of 80% and having just sat IREX which has lots of Law
2. Human factors – has good overlap with CPL HUF
3. Met which helps with Nav & Perf & Planning
4. Nav which helps with Law & Perf & Planning
5. Aero & Systems – helps with Perf and Planning
6. Performance will helps Planning
7. Flight Planning – the really hard one

For part timers who may have an issue with the 2 year window, my suggested order of ATPL exams is:

1. Law with the highest pass mark of 80%
2. Met which helps with Nav & Perf & Planning
3. Nav which helps with Law & Perf & Planning
4. Performance will helps Planning
5. Flight Planning – the really hard one
6. Human factors – has good overlap with CPL HUF
7. Aero & Systems

We are not a coaching service. In most cases in the Facebook group you will get excellent support and help, but it is not something you are paying for.

Most say the Facebook group has been instrumental in helping them pass and is worth the membership price alone.

Please be mindful when asking questions in the group, people are choosing to answer out of their free time.

Please do not send questions via email or messenger asking us to explain things. To offer that level of service we would need to charge 5 times as much.

All questions requiring an explanation or help should be posted in the Facebook Group.

We aim for perfection and welcome error feedback.  Please send it to:

Subject line:  Check / Fix This

Content of email: 

A clear screenshot showing the question, response and answer.

A description explaining why it’s wrong.

If you have done the working, please supply the working.

Important Note: Almost all questions and answers are in random order, so saying it’s question number 8, is meaningless. The only way we can find the question is by seeing it and knowing exactly which exam it is in.

Please do not message or email asking for explanations.

If you need a question explained, please ask your instructor, refer to your textbook, or ask in the Facebook group.

We try to help wherever possible, but we do not and cannot provide a coaching service at these prices.

Asking in the group has many benefits:

  • it is a social and networking experience
  • it improves your communication skills
  • it reinforces learning of others
  • it reduces time because the answer is one-to-many instead of one-to-one
  • it allows others to cross check, cross examine and correct any responses that may be slightly inadequate or potentially incorrect

No. In most cases we DO.  A minimum of 70% of questions do have an explanation.

Some questions the answer itself explains it.

Others require a detailed explanation or we show working.

Some we deliberately have no explanation, to force you to develop the skills of finding some content. In your exams, finding content in the VFRG or AIP etc. is a very important skill.

Some we have written and will go back through and add more explanations as we get time.

Textbooks & Materials

PPE has now released our awesome new Theory Courses which are completely online and are designed to replace the out-dated and incomplete textbooks traditionally available.

They are not currently available for all licences, but are progressively coming out.

To view currently available courses, go here.

The materials you need for your exams and studies will depend on the exam you are studying for. 

You should always check CASA’s list of permitted materials for that particular exam by Googling “Permitted materials for RPL CASA”. Replace “RPL” with your exam.

For documents like CASR Part 91 or AC’s, you can often print them for free. However, others you will need to order online. We do not sell or provide these documents.

This will depend on the exact exam and document. You will need to ensure you check the information from CASA about whether or not you can highlight and tag a particular document for your exam, and how many tags you can have.

This information is usually with the permitted materials list for that exam.

RA-Aus vs GA

RA-Aus or RAA stands for Recreational Aviation Australia. This route is ideal for those who want to fly recreationally in small aircraft.

For those who want to fly larger or multi-engine aircraft, or fly internationally or commercially, GA will be needed.

GA is short for General Aviation and the licences are issued by CASA. They start at RPL which is similar to RAA, but then progresses through PPL, CPL and ATPL, including ratings like IREX or PIFR which allow for instrument flying.

Yes there are. Provided you do not want to fly commercially, internationally or larger aircraft, RA-Aus is a cheaper option with lower requirements.

Generally speaking, aircraft are cheaper to rent or purchase, and are often newer and have more modern equipment because of the difference in regulations. Maintenance costs of these aircraft are also much lower due to the different qualifications required for the maintainer..

Medical requirements are also looser for RAA pilots and is why quite a few older pilots who can no longer pass the CASA medical requirements switch to RA-Aus.

The decision is of course yours, but if you are funding the training yourself then you will get more flight time for your money by flying with an RPC.

If you are getting a government loan for your training, then the more logical route is to get started immediately in GA and complete your training as quickly as possible in GA aircraft.

Below is some feedback from our members about which route they advise.

Headsets, Knee Boards & iPads

ANR stands for Active Noise Reduction.

Aircraft are loud, and long exposure to loud noises like aircraft or machinery will undoubtedly cause hearing damage.

We highly recommend an ANR headset, this a long term purchase that we recommend not skimping on.

A knee board will be needed when you start navigation training.

We recommend talking to other pilots you trust before purchasing one, as sometimes the fancy ones look good but just get in the way.

This will be totally up to personal preference, as will the type of tablet if you decide to purchase one.

We generally recommend using a tablet that matches your phone. For example, iPhone users should buy an iPad, Android users should buy a Samsung tablet. This is so that you are already comfortable with how to use it, rather than trying to learn how to use the tablet along with all the other equipment in the aircraft.

Generaly speaking you will want cellular, but the most important feature to check for once you’ve decided on brand, price range, size etc, is that the tablet has GPS, as not all models do.

We have used both of the main ones in the Australian market, OzRunways and AvPlan.

They are both great products made by great people and we have used them both extensively.

We have found that AvPlan is a more comprehensive product, especially for those going on to higher licences and bigger aircraft.


Your instructor will not know the exam question you go wrong, only the topic from the MOS.

Step 1: Brain dump everything you can remember about the topics noted in your KDR’s. Include the question, answer and your choice.

Step 2: Do your research and find out the correct answer and what may have tricked you.

Make sure to do this as soon after your exam as possible, whilst your memory is still reasonably accurate.

A Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) provides a candidate who has undertaken an aeronautical knowledge examination, and their training provider, with information about any topic areas where their knowledge was deficient.

Under Part 61, a flight examiner has to make sure an applicant has sufficient knowledge in the topics on their KDR. One option is to rely on a KDR assessment that has been made by the holder of an instructor rating with a Grade 1 or Grade 2 training endorsement.

Most flight examiners will happily accept your KDR’s if signed off by an instructor or two (the higher the level of instructor the better). You don’t want to bother your examiner with it if they are willing to accept a signed copy from your instructors. Most examiners will sign off the KDRs on the flight test report if the KDRs have been signed off already by your instructors. The less theory questions the examiner has for you, the better.

Otherwise, the examiner needs to conduct the KDR assessment. This is rarely done this way. In this case the flight examiner will look at your list of KDR’s and ask oral questions on each. These oral questions may come from anywhere to do with the KDR syllabus point, not necessarily the question you got wrong for that KDR.  Candidates should prepare by following our procedures in the previous box above and by studying more broadly for each KDR.

Generally your flight school will be well aware of the way each examiner operates, so ring and ask your instructors.

Your Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) study notes should be done the afternoon or night after your exam and in the following days, while your knowledge and memory is at its peak.

Leaving it later will play havoc with your ability to remember the topics, questions and locations of the information you will need.

This is an example of one KDR for one question. First refer to the MOS bullet point, then type up something like this for the KDR. After all are done have your instructors sign off on them.

You’ve just got to show that you’ve acknowledged and studied the areas you lacked the appropriate level of knowledge in.

What If I Fail?

When completing your exam, we recommend flagging for review any questions you come across that you either don’t know or aren’t confident on.

With any spare time you have, you should split it up by the amount of flagged questions and go and thoroughly review them.

If you have already made a choice, but aren’t sure, it is statistically more likely that your first choice is correct. Only change it if you have a good reason to, such as finding new information in the permitted materials.

If you still have time, try and memorise as much of the exam as possible, particularly question you think you might be wrong on, so that you have a better time completing your KDR’s.

If ever the Swiss cheese model of exam failure lines up against you (as shown below) and you fail an exam, follow these steps.
Step 1: IMMEDIATELY do a full brain dump as fast and accurately as you can. Voice memo on the phone or Facebook messenger yourself. Try to get down every question and answer , plus what you chose word for word. Continue to do this over the next 24-48 hours.
Step 2. Then have a discussion with other candidates about the exam or a brief read of the syllabus to jot memories and repeat step 1.
Step 3. Now use the “what, why, how” method in any order to get to the bottom of what it was about each question that you got wrong, why you fell for ti and how you can recognise and avoid it in the future.  (SO YOU DON’T CARRY THESE ERRORS FORWARD)
Step 4. Reset yourself mentally. Do NOT beat yourself up about it, CASA uses lots of trick wording and they make it bloody hard to pass. Keep it in perspective, it’s just a hurdle, or a road bump on the way to your dream. Accept it happened and use it as motivation to prove them wrong, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the horse.
Step 5. Go do your research and find the correct answers.
Step 6. Massively over-study for round 2, expect about a 40-60% overlap.
Step 7. Use the practice exams to continually drill down to your exact problem issues.
Step 8 . If a week out from your next attempt, you still have struggles or issues find a tutor (instructor or recent candidate who passed that exam) and pay them for tutoring on the exact topics you identified from the practice exams. Paying say $35 per session, for two one hour sessions, on your exact problem topics, can be a game changer. But make sure you identify the problem areas and stick to them, over and over and over in the tutoring session. Do not stray to other non problem areas and create confusion!

Swiss Cheese Model Of Pilot Exam Failure

Why does CASA use ambiguity and how can I cope with it?

CASA uses ambiguity for one of a few reasons, either they are deliberately looking to see if:

  • You can make decisions on the basis of the information you have, even if that isn’t the whole picture
  • You can cope with uncertainty and risk
  • You can adapt to change
  • You have great problem-solving skills


  • It’s accidental poor exam writing skills (from people with aviation knowledge but little education knowledge) that discriminates against people with different backgrounds than the exam writers.

Either way, they seem to way over use ambiguity and it is largely assessing, very different skills, than what the rote learner or textbook reader, will be prepared for.

As we know a large part of preparing for a CASA exam is practice:

  • Preparing for questions that have two or more correct answers with the slightest of variations, making one the “most correct” for some tiny and obscure reason in the answer
  • Preparing for questions that have two or more correct answers with the slightest of variations, making one the “most correct” for some tiny hidden and obscure reason buried in a long worded question
  • Preparing for questions that have two or more correct answers with the slightest of variations, making one the “most correct” because CASA tricks you into thinking they are asking one thing, with distracting information and yet is actually asking you something slightly different

In fairness to CASA this competency is deliberately sought by many employers when recruiting and is particularly important in complex, fast-changing environments e.g. aviation.

In fact many role play team activities and scenarios used during the pilot intake and selection process are done with groups of people placed into ambiguous situations to see how they cope, communicate and adapt. Exercises such as being stranded on an island and as a group, having to decide and reason on the 5 items from a list of 25 items that you can take or keep. These exercises deliberately use ambiguity by having 10 or so items that could all be the most important 5 items. No clear winners and few clear losers makes for an interesting exercise in the justification of the 5 ambiguous 5 best items to take.

What they are really testing in these group scenarios, is communication and decision making skills for when something goes wrong in a 787 and the best course of action is not available to the crew. Can the crew arrive at a justified and agreeable outcome based on only the limited ambiguous information available. Much like Qantas flight 32, when the A380 suffered an uncontained failure enroute London to Sydney.

Pilot’s who can manage ambiguity well, are well placed to work effectively in complex organisations, complex aircraft that are subject to change, defects and abnormal situations, as well as the organisations they work for with constant route, fleet, personnel changes and reform, making this a valuable sought after skill for the aviation sector and for pilot safety.

So how can you develop your ability to better cope with ambiguity in CASA’s pilot exam questions?

  • You must WANT to learn how to cope with ambiguity and VALUE it as a key skill to develop
  • Actively look for examples of ambiguity all around you. Look for how a sign or instruction could be read with 2 completely different meanings, simply because of someone’s background or the double meaning of a word or pause in reading it
  • Look for ambiguity in practice exam questions and learn to LOVE the fact you can begin to identify, the use of ambiguity
  • Work out how you could turn a question into a trick question, by using the most subtle of changes
  • Practice writing some ambiguous trick questions using the most subtle of tricks
  • Understand that the question writer ALWAYS has a different background TO YOU, and OFTEN may mean something slightly different to what you originally thought.
  • ALWAYS question the question if it’s ambiguous “What are the actually asking here?”. This automatically places your brain in a position, to think the question may have multiple meanings. It’s a great way to approach all questions.
  • Know that you can see what you think is the same question, but a subtle change in the available responses can alter the correct response, especially where an answer has two correct responses, where one is most correct.
  • Know that in many cases, the use of one word, can completely change the “context” of a question or response
  • Use PPE’s IDEAL method for ambiguous questions and answers:
    • Identify all those options they could be asking
    • Decide what they are actually asking
    • Eliminate your two worst options
    • Analyze your two best options against the REAL question and pick one
    • Look over it later to make sure you are correct

During the actual exam, for ambiguous questions, keep very brief notes about your IDEAL method use, so when you come back to check, you can remember what they actually asked and which two options are best, or why you eliminated the other options.

So our best advice, is start to view ambiguity as a positive skill set and something you love and want to learn yourself, rather than an evil thing you don’t understand.

Start actively looking to develop skills in finding ambiguity on a daily basis until you start seeing ambiguity everywhere.

Learn to love the fact, you can cope with ambiguity and have a new found skill set employers seek and love.

Haven't Found A Solution?

If you’ve read through the above solutions but still need help, contact us below.