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Available Courses

RAA Theory Course

This course covers all content relevant to the Recreational Pilot Certificate and Navigation Endorsement.
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RPL Theory Course

This course covers all content relevant to the Recreational Pilot Licence – Aeroplane.
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PPL Theory Course

This course covers all content relevant to the Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane.
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CFPA Theory Course

This course covers all content relevant to the CFPA exam.
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How Do The Courses Work?

Our new Theory Courses are designed to replace the need for textbooks which are often outdated and/or do not cover the full CASA syllabus!

Our Courses:

Are 100% Online

Our theory courses, like our practice exams, are 100% completely online so there is no books to carry, resources to lose or paper to spill coffee on!

At Your Own Pace

You complete the course entirely at your own pace, perfect for studying around work, flights and family commitments! Your only deadline is the expiry date.

Cover The Entire Syllabus

We often heard how other resources cover "most" of the syllabus but never all. With these courses we cover every dot point! If we are missing something, let us know!

By Purchasing A Course, You Get:

93 Days Access

You get unlimited access to every lesson, quiz and resource for 93 days (3 Months Approx.) and if you purchase multiple courses, they each have individual expiry dates.

Wrriten, Interactive & Video Content

Each course contains a mixture of written, interactive and video content that is updated to reflect the latest CASA changes.

Quizzes To Test Your Knowledge

Whilst we recommend using practice exams for the best results, all courses include quizzes to test your knowledge for each section.