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CPL Pilot Practice Exams CLWA

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7 Subjects

Commercial Pilot Licence CPL Practice Exam Questions

CPL Flight Rules & Law CLWA

Members Only Tips

Tips for members only

Tom's CLWA Video

Great tips for CLWA. Also see our members tips page.

We have included some questions from CAAP’s. Note CASA is unlikely to have many questions specifically from CAAP’s. However some MOS items have content where the CAAP may build broader or deeper knowledge. Do not spend time trying to memorise CAAP content.

Attention helicopter CPLH members. Please access CADH, CFPH CLWH and CSYH via the helicopter page here.

CPL CLWA Final Prep 1

Do 30 random from 105+ questions.

CPL CLWA Final Prep 2

Do 30 random from 80+ questions.

CPL CLWA Final Prep 3

Do 30 random from 70+ questions.

CPL CLWA Final Prep 4

Do 30 random from 70+ questions.

CPL CLWA Final Prep 5

Do 20 questions from 25+ questions on Flight Rules & Law.

CPL CLWA 40 Questions

Do 40 questions drawn from 360+ questions from CWLA 1-5 exams above.

Free Exam To Try

Do 20 questions from 50+ questions on Flight Rules & Law.

ASPEQ now advises that the 2019 CAO 48.1 is the only current version for all CASA exams.

Fatigue Rules FDP 2019

Do 15 of 45+ questions on FDP and CAO 48 – 2019.

Helicopter pilots, please use the below exams in conjuncion with those above.

CLWH Helicopter Air Law Crew Licencing

Do 23 questions on helicopter licensing.

CLWH Helicopter Air Law Air Operations

Do 20 questions on helicopter operations.

CLWH Helicopter Air Law Air Ops & HLS

Do 20 questions on helicopter operations and HLS.

CLWH Helicopter Air Law Other & Fuel

Do 25 questions on various and fuel reserves.

CLWH Helicopter 40 Random Questions

Do 40 random questions from 85+ helicopter questions.

Common errors which we noted were:

  • Flight and duty time difficulties, with both versions of CAO 48.0/48.1 dated 2004 and the 48.1 Instrument dated 2013
  • Airspace requirements
  • Classification of various operations, AWK, CHTR etc.
  • Pilot maintenance requirements
  • Rules of the air
  • Tracking requirements
  • Hot refuelling requirements – Helicopters only

There is an outdated question not in the AIP about tracking tolerance for NDB and VOR and avoiding CTA.

I am not certain, but I believe it had been repealed and should not be in the exam. None the less you better know it.

Need to know 5.2° and 6.9°


40 questions which means you have to pace at 3 mins per question. Take a first past at answering what you know off the top of your head. Then go back and use the remaining time hunting for answers in the AIP/CAR/CASR/CAO.


Suggested study topics:
Where to find the the hours for RXXX ( With given LOCATION)
Tower shines_____flash light whilst you are flying.  What does it mean?
How does a surface craft acknowledge that they need assistance?
When is it OK to proceed beyond the landing threshold? (Sep minima)
Notify ATC when how many degrees off track when using NDB?
Reply to ATC when given clearance to descend from A0XX to A0XX?
Correct cruising level if flying on a heading of 0XX° at AOXX?
Working for  a CHTR company.  Who is responsible for fuel?
When should the fuel vents be checked?
About to leave on a charter into a Remote Area, VHF radio doesn’t work?
What is the minimum Vis to land under SVFR in Class C?
Leaving Class D into Class G. What transponder code if not assigned one?
The ADIZ intercepting aircraft climbs while turning 90 degrees?
IRM / RRM  flight below minimum altitude
Flying for a company operating under Section 48.1.  X hour flight.  TO and Land given in LMT (with daylight saving)  Maximum flying time you can be assigned on your return leg?
Flying for a company operating under Section 48.1  Appendix 5 Start work at XXXX with a rest period of X hours in approved resting area.  No extensions, what is the latest you can finish that day.
Over stressed an aircraft in flight what is procedure?
When is it ok to fly lower than 500ft over terrain?
Dropping leaflets.  When do you need CASA approval?
Procedure for overtaking an aircraft.
Carriage of a seeing eye dog
Who can remove a doors before flying for parachuting etc.
Carrying infants and children under combined 77kg
When can you not smoke on board?
Restraint of carriage of cargo
What is done with passenger list?
TTF (PROB ) for a particular aerodrome..  Alternate?
Which pressure to use to find field elevation if not published?
After taking off how long do you have to fly straight ahead before turning?

You must know how to work out Tour of duty hours!!!


This exam does take a little longer that the others. Some general feedback.

I would HIGHLY recommend spending your time familiarising yourself with the different sections of CAO, AIP, ERSA and CAR, INSTEAD OF remembering word for word what are in these sections, note where to find certain laws. Eg: refuelling is in CAO 20.9

Note the following CAO: 20.2, 20.4, 20.9, 20.11, 20.16, 20.18, 29.5, 48 (I suggest being familiar with referencing FDT from appendix 5)

No questions referring to CASR 61, but this should be noted

CAR volume 1 (maintenance release)

CAR volume 3, a lot to draw from this section so I recommend knowing the table of contents quite well.

CAR Schedule 5 and 8

ERSA Emerg and danger, prohibited and restricted areas

AIP – there were a few questions to be found from all over the AIP, these ranged from VFR conditions, circuit joining procedures and priorities, squawking etc. Make sure this is up to date and your pages match the table of contents.

Overall, the STRONGLY Suggest Study Topics covered most of, if not all that was in the exam.

Be on the look out for key words and phrases as CASA wants to see you be very precise in your answer. (edit – in other words they are trying to trick you)


Top tips:

Try to get hold of the  “Air Law Extract” from Bob Tait. You have the resources with all the answers in the exam. But you had better know how to find it fast. So learn what is in each resource and how to find it fast.  Often questions will need the exact wording, not just close, hence the need to be able to check the wording rather than just use memory. You will need to use CAR, CAO, part 61, AIP and ERSA at a minimum. Lots of questions try to get you to pick a response that is close, but not quiet correct, so be careful. This exam will likely take you closer to the time limit than others. Being open book CASA are really testing that you are able to find things, more so than remember them.
Make sure you know – Schedule 8 – Lanes of entry, alcohol limitations, seating capacity, flights over public gatherings, flights over water, flight time limitations, alternate with weather forecasts INTER and TEMPO, who can carry out maint and what maint a pilot can do.


Know VMC requirements, circuit entry procedures, giveway/right of way procedures, 10nm calls, straight in approaches, who can sign maint releases and what a pilot can repair. Know over water equipment, ADIZ and PRD procedures. What to do if you enter a restricted area accidentally and how to get clearance for PRD or if required.


This was tough and took me to the time limit. Know where to find everything! No excuses, if you do not know where to find everything, you are not ready, period!

Copped questions on fire extinguishers for refuelling, maintenance releases- who can sign, infant seating and seat belts, IRM and RRM, 2 children in one seat. Tricky questions on duty times for 2004 and 2013, be careful. When is an ELT required, when is a life jacket and when is a raft. Details on requirements for weather and VFR tracking tolerances. I also got minimum separation for takeoff with classes of aircraft and following a go round for a 747 in a light aircraft.

CLWA Permitted Materials Dec 2021

RPL Flight Rules & Law Exams

PPL Flight Rules

Do 15 questions

Circuits, Calls, Indicators

Remote, Over Water.

RPL Air Law 1

Do 13 questions

Student Pilot Rules

Alcohol, Smoking.

RPL Air Law 2

Do 7 questions

Aerodrome Markings

Runways & Others.

RPL Air Law 3

Do 10 questions

Right Of Way

Giving Way.

RPL Air Law 4

Do 14 questions

Student Pilot Rules

& Requirements.

RPL Air Law 5

Do 10 questions

Passengers, Children

& Infants.