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CPL Performance CFPH OLD

Commercial Pilot Licence CPL CFPH Practice Exam Questions

CPL Ops Performance Planning CFPH Helicopter

The CPL Performance Exam will have questions from the BAK & RPL & PPL & CPL Syllabus.

This is the toughest CPL exam for most people. Pass rates for this exam are just over 52%.

Make sure you know your fuel calculations incredibly well, including PNR, ETP, W&B and floor loading limitations. Most importantly, read CAAP 234-1 (2) thoroughly.

From Dec 2 2021 Fuel Requirements will be from CASR Part 91 Chapter 19 and Table 19.02, plus the definitions section.

Fuel questions will be for Rotorcraft under Day VFR conditions or CASR Part 133 MOS, Chapter 6.

Fuel related questions will provide information and be worded in such a way that candidates know exactly which Part they are from.


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Do 20 of 30+ questions

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Click To Download You Will Not Be Given References In Questions Expand

In law exams or law parts of exams it is extremely unlikely that you will be given any law references.

We sometimes include them in the questions to help candidates towards the beginning of their study find things.

A huge part of law is you knowing how to find things quickly. Read and check the legislation and DO NOT rely on memory for answers.


PPE’s Ultimate Law Guides Expand

This google sheet PPE’s Ultimate Law Guide, will become the ultimate study buddy, for locating the laws and ticking off that you know them.

For ATPL Law Only – Anthony’s Guide

PPE Law Extracts & Permitted Materials Expand

Read this carefully before every exam and check for the latest permitted matrials on this first link:

You are welcome to self print and bind these, but, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for making sure they comply, before trying to enter an exam room with them.

CPL Law expect 3-4 FDP questions.

PPE Law Reference PDF Expand CAO Adjustment Of Seats
Vol 3 CAR 257 Aerodrome Meteorological Minima
Vol 3 CAR 256A Animals
CAO 20.11.14 Briefing Of Passengers
CAO Cargo In A Pilot Compartment
CAO Cargo On A Passenger Seat
CASR 61.31 Carriage Of Documents
CAO Carriage Of Infants & Children
CAO Carriage Of Parachutists
CASR 61.57 CPL privileges
Vol 4 CAR SCHED5 Daily Inspection
Vol 3 CAR Vol Day To Day Stuff &
Vol 3 CAR 139 Documents To Be Carried
CAO 29.5.2 Dropping Of Articles
Vol 3 CAR 150 Dropping Of Articles
CAO 20.2.4 Dual Controls
Vol 3 CAR 253 Emergency Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 252A Emergency Locator Transmitters
CAO 20.11.6 Emergency Signalling Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 143 Firearms
CAO 48 Flight Duty Periods
Vol 3 CAR 258 Flight Over Water
Vol 3 CAR 172 Flight Visibility & Distance From Cloud
CAO 20.2.6 Fuel Quantity Measurement
CAO 20.2.5 Fuel System Inspection
CAO 20.9.4 Fuelling Of Aircraft
CAO Fuelling With Passengers
Vol 3 CAR 189 Ground Signals
CAO 20.1 Hot Refuelling (Cao 95.7 Para 7)
CAO 20.18 VI Instruments Required For Vfr
Vol 3 CAR 256 Intoxicated Persons
CASR 61.1075 Kinds Of Low Level
Vol 2 CAR Vol 2 Licensing
CAO Life Rafts
Vol 3 CAR 187 Light Signals
CASR 61.375 Limitations
CASR 61.345 Logbooks
CAO Loose Articles
Vol 3 CAR 157 Low Flying
CASR 61.104 Low Level Ratings
Vol 1 CAR Vol 1 Maintenance
Vol 4 CAR SCHED8 Maintenance A Pilot Can Do
Vol 3 CAR 166A Manoeuvring Area/Vicinity Of Non Controlled Aerodrome
CASR 61.42 Medical – Carriage Of Documents
CASR 61.415 Medical – Commercial
CASR 61.41 Medical – Private
CASR 61.405 Medical – Recreational
CASR 61.955 Night VFR
Vol 3 CAR 215 Operations Manual
CAO 20.11.5 Over Water Flight
CAO 20.4.6 Oxygen
CAO Passenger Capacity
CAO Passenger In A Control Seat
CAO Passenger Lists
Vol 3 CAR 151 Picking Up Person/Articles
Vol 3 CAR 309 Pilots Powers
Vol 3 CAR 140 PRD areas
Vol 3 CAR 245 Pre Take-Off Checks
Vol 3 CAR 156 Public Gatherings
Vol 3 CAR 159 Radio Failure Procedure
CASR 61.435 Radio Operation
CASR 61.395 Recent Experience For Passenger Flight
CAO APNDX III Remote Areas
CAO 20.2 Removal Of Locking & Safety Devices
Vol 3 CAR 233 Responsibility Of Pilot Before Flight
CAO Restraint Of Cargo
CASR 61.355 Retention Of Logbook
Vol 3 CAR 161 Right Of Way
CAO Safety Precautions During Refuelling
Vol 4 CAR VOL Schedules
Vol 3 CAR 251 Seat Belts
CAO Seat Belts & Harnesses
CAO Seats
CAO 20.2.3 Security Of Doors & Hatches
CAO Sick Or Injured Passengers
CAO Smoking
Vol 3 CAR 255 Smoking
CAO 20.9.5 Starting Engines & Ground Operation
Vol 3 CAR 166B Straight In Approach
CASR 61.113 Student Pilots
CAO 20.11.7 Survival Equipment
CAO 48.0.1 Tour Of Duty Limitations (Old)
Vol 3 CAR 174A VFR equipment
Vol 3 CAR 171 VFR flight
Vol 3 CAR 166E Vicinity Of Certified/Military Aerodrome
Vol 3 CAR 185 Visual Signals Am I Exam Ready PDF Expand


AIP & ERSA Highlighting & Tagging Guide Expand

Warning: overhighlighting may make your AIP unusable. However, we do suggest highlighting the sections you use to study.***

RPL & PPL Light & Time Guide Expand PPL Flight & Ground Theory Test Expand

Be sure to check in the Main Menu > Other > Flight Test > PPL

PPE Navigation Cheat Sheet PDF Expand

This is a one page PDF to get you all the basics in one place.

Calculation of ETP and Asymmetric ETP are for CPL upwards only.

Note only very basic ETP would be in CNAV. Any hard ETP or PNR will be in CFPA exams only. At one stage CASA slipped a few into CNAV, but we believe that error has been rectified.

CFPA CFPH Common Unit 1

Do 20 of 30+ questions from the common unit.

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CFPA CFPH Common Unit 2

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CFPA CFPH Common Unit 3

Do 20 of 30+ questions from the common unit.

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CFPA CFPH Common Unit 4

Do 20 of 30+ questions from the common unit.

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CFPA CFPH Common Unit 5

Do 20 of 30+ questions from the common unit.

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New Fuel Dec 2021

Part 91 Fuel Questions

Do 30 of 55 questions.

New Fuel Exam Feedback From Recent Candidates Expand

Visible to paid members only.

CASA Feedback Aeroplane Expand

The overall result for this subject is sound. As a general guide to further improvement, candidates who failed had knowledge deficiencies across the following subject areas:

  • Basic ground speed errors these affected a number of questions, including determine ETI and EST for given positions
  • Aircraft speeds, TOSS, Va, Vne, manoeuvering speeds
  • Determination of MTOW or TODR using the graphs in figures 3, 5 or 12
  • Understanding of range and endurance and factors affecting
  • Definitions of terms such as MAC, empty weight, ZFW, ramp weight, etc.
  • Aeroplane Weight Limitations, Loading and Balance – the relationship between fuel carried, burned off and aeroplane weight limitations

CASA Feedback Helicopter Expand

The overall result for this subject is sound. As a general guide to further improvement, candidates who failed had knowledge deficiencies across the following subject areas:

  • Helicopter Limitations, including rotor RPM, VNE and flight load factors. All have serious operating and flight safety implications
  • Take-off and Landing Weight – when and when not to use ‘Area B’ gross weight performance
  • Hover performance
  • Calculations for CG position and loading appear to be most problematic to candidates

TAF TAF TAF Know Your TAF’s Expand

18 questions with TAF for one poor person.

Warning re Holding Fuel Expand

Be warned some CASA questions require 30 min holding fuel to be added. They have to state it though.

Also know how to read your TAFS. Check they are Valid, check the INTER or TEMPO periods actually apply to your destination or alternate. And know exactly when and how much extra fuel is to be held , depending on ETA relative to INTER and TEMPO.

PNR ETP ETAS If Using E6B Expand

The E-6B uses the actual triangle of velocities to determine the G/S, consequently an ‘E TAS’ is not appropriate, it is correct.

When using an E6B the answer automatically includes ETAS.

If the drift is below 5 degrees, you can use the formula for PNR or ETP where you divide by (2xTAS).

However if the drift is above 5 degrees, you must divide by (GS-onwards x GS home).

Get the GS-onwards as per usual, then spin the wheel 180 degrees to get GS-home.

Using this method you will note, GS-onwards + GS home does not equal 2 x TAS.

Note, often CASA will give winds from GPWT, which is given in TRUE. You must convert TRUE to MAGNETIC winds before doing any calculations.

Warning re PNR ETAS Expand


We been alerted to the fact SEVERAL 4 MARK PNR’s are being given with strong (35KT) crosswind factors.

You would only need this for strong x winds components relative to TAS, ie. high drift angles about 10 degrees and higher.
Given a PNR with a 150kt TAS and 35kt crosswind component find pnr etc.
You can use your E6B or CR to get drift
But lets approximate with
CWC x 60 / TAS = WCA
35 x 60 / 150 =14° drift
ETAS = 150 x cos (14°) = 145.5kt
A 4.5kt or 3% variation between TAS and ETAS To highlight the importance in really strong xwinds imagine this
Given a PNR with a 150kt TAS and 100kt crosswind component find pnr etc.
CWC x 60 / TAS = WCA
100 x 60 / 150 =40° drift
ETAS = 150 x cos (40°) = 100kt And in slight x winds
Given a PNR with a 150kt TAS and 3kt crosswind component find pnr etc.
CWC x 60 / TAS = WCA
3 x 60 / 150 =1° drift
ETAS = 150 x cos (1°) = 149.97kt The magic number seems to be anything above about a 10 degree drift, which is anything with a xwind above about 16% of TAS
Given a PNR with a 150kt TAS and 16% xwind component or 25kt crosswind component find pnr etc.
CWC x 60 / TAS = WCA
25 x 60 / 150 =10° drift
ETAS = 150 x cos (10°) = 147.7kt
Notice how at 10% , now we are starting to effect TAS to the point where our calcs could be out. Where as with a 15 kt xwind which is 10% of TAS 150
It doesn’t seem viable to need to calculate ETAS.
CWC x 60 / TAS = WCA
15 x 60 / 150 =6° drift
ETAS = 150 x cos (6°) = 149.1kt Warning re ETP calculation from basic formulas. Expand

We have been reliably informed the winds given for ETP calculations may for some questions be very strong winds.

If that is the case the basic formula shown in some of the text books will be inaccurate.

Dec 2018 Expand

32 questions in total.

2 TO and Landing charts with various runway lengths and types. Winds are given in True from GPWT (convert them).

Loading systems Alpha Bravo and Charlie

5 Echo questions

Know all definitions of TODA TORA ASDA and the others and exactly what they mean/

Pavement type and strength, letters and numbers from ERSA.

Fuel questions with INTER or TEMPO with fuel flow rates for cruise and holding.

Upon entering the room write all your formulas out.

Practice with a folded A4 into 8 squares

Write a formula in each square and memorise which one goes where and when to use it.

Practice writing these out until you can do it in your sleep.

Know how to input date and time for a flight notification.

32 questions = less than 5 min per question.


Nov 2018 Expand

Warning – there are lots of ETP questions where they try to trick you so you think its a PNR. And vice versa.

There are some questions where taking off with a slight tailwind downslope is better than taking off with a headwind and an upslope.

Matt’s older normal questions where amazing!!! Do not underestimate using these.

Nov 2018 Expand

2 P chart questions – numbers had to be typed in

1 x charter fuel question VFR

2 x private fuel questions

1 x charter PNR safe endurance question

1 x alternate for charter with no variable reserve

all questions refer to trip fuel not flight fuel

1 questions had an INTER and 1 had a TEMPO

1 question had a specified company policy requiring 20 gal/hr extra fuel

Some questions gave TAF’s requiring candidate to calculate winds to get GS

No asymmetric questions

Some short answers about ETP or PNR with winds significantly different enroute. What is efects of declining / increasing head/tailwind on ETP.

Refer ERSA TODR and TORA….runway 1000m asda 50m clearway 80m, what is TODA

Private flight A to B X Gals / hr 42 min , then B to C with Y Gals / hr for 18 mins….what is min startup fuel  – typed answer

Echo’s where basic with rows 2 and 3, how much in rear compartment. A weight shift echo with ballast. A how many nose 5kg ballast ti ZFW.

Nov 2018 Expand

32 questions , 10 had typed answers

PNR’s with winds given, but not headwind given (calculate them) then find PNR.

4 marker was a PNR with winds

Got an asymmetric ETP

1 x Echo What is Take off distance

1 x Echo What is landing distance

1 x Alpha What is Take off distance

1 x Bravo What is max Take off weight

1 x PNR – what is safe endurance

1 x what is rate of climb, with climb speed and gradient required  given

All fuel questions were new type and in kg. All had burn rate given in kg/hr.

A cargo question with 2 sides of object given, what must third side be to stay within load force limits.

A bravo with pilot only and 4 x 40kg  cargo in row 3. How much ballast (5kg) and what fuel to keep it in envelope.

A QLD Nav Rockhampton to Toowombah with Alt Y### . Calculate holding fuel to alternate. This had a TEMPO.

Look up runway characteristics for Y### is it concrete or asphalt, flexible or rigid, high or low load bearing. So know how to find these and the codes in ERSA.

What is max distance between runway gables? or Max distance between runway markings? Not sure. Its in ERSA CAAP and AIP.

Aug 2018 Expand

8 P chart questions – 2 with lots of working worth 4 marks each

6 P charts questions with requiring exact number to be typed 2 marks each

2 Weight and balance calcs

1 x 4 mark PNR

3 marks ECHO, ETP, Fuel calculations

1 x Echo 2600 % MAC

Definitions questions 1 mark

All pure calculations, no NAVs

There was a TAF with INTER or TEMPO TCU etc, what is min fuel at startup (be clear on additional fuel due to INTER and TEMPO)

Scenario strong tailwind, what is  airpseed for maximise endurance or range.

Time for the exam was not an issue. The biggest issue was having to type exact answers for all the P chart questions.

Feb 2018 Expand

Know waste gates, turbo and supercharges and how they perform at various altitudes.  The rest of what is in these exams and the tips here are pretty accurate.

I understood the topic exceptionally well after using these exams, however, it is still a very tough subject with a lot of difficult questions.

Feb 2018 Expand

Tips for the next candidates are, know the charts and theory. I didn’t find the maths that hard personally, it was just basic following formulas. Not too much on the echo either but two forward limit questions.

Jan 2018 Expand CPFA Advice

  • Do not neglect the non-practical aspects (i.e. definitions, general knowledge).  There are a lot of one pointers covering a wide ranging subject that you need to know.
  • Practice practice practice  the calculations and the performance charts – never go too long without revising a Bravo, Charlie or particularly an Echo W&B calc, same for CP and PNR.
  • Be very clear and quick on how to calculate speed, distance, time, fuel burn calculations.  This will serve you well at doing the exam quickly and efficiently in A LOT of questions.
  • With PNR and CP – be extra vigilant that you have correctly determined whether it is a tail wind or a head wind.  As these can be 3 pointers or 4 pointers ,make it a priority to keep your workings out handy (i.e. don’t let them take these when you get more scribble paper) and check them over if time is remaining at the end
  • Know how to quickly obtain a headwind component from the AIP conversion table (tag this and its right next to the weight ones) and above all else make sure you don’t inadvertently take the crosswind component into your calculations!
  • Know how to get a TAS from the flight computer – if you learn one thing on the whizz wheel it is this – and it’s easy to do.

Exam feedback here Expand

Know landing & take-off distances or weights, and load questions.

Know ERSA, esp ALAs, RDS & how to find conversion tables

Know CAAP 92 and 234 – you can self print, but they must be stapled or bound. No loose leaf pages allowed.

Be careful with units – kilograms v lbs, litres v gallons,  miles v kilometres, minutes v nautical miles.

Know ETP & PNR calculations

When working with wind be sure to knwo when it is True or Magnetic

Know variation E is variation least, Variation W is variation best

Do lots and lots of ECHO practice questions until you know all the numbers by heart – CG fwd & rear limits, arms, key weights & limits

Exam feedback here Expand

I got loading systems alpha bravo and Charlie plus linear chart systems. Definitions of density height and density calculations. Calculations of forward limit and mean aerodynamic chord.

Many questions on fuel planning, find flight fuel, safe endurance, PNR, ETP. Several questions on weights, balance, moments, to do with C of G. Some on adding ballast as either fuel or hard ballast.

I got approx 14 definitions at the start on runway surface analysis at Sunrise Dam and had to refer to ERSA to decipher it.  eg: asphalt, flexible, high grade, sub compound and the rest. See ERSA.

One question on stall speed…bizarre…

3 questions on calculating landing and take-off using the charts,  take-off rate, landing distance and takeoff weight

Re Fuel Planning For An Alternate Expand

Note this is in the syllabus, but people have said it “so far” is not in the exams.


ETP & PNR Questions Expand

They give you TAS and wind in format 210/18 kt.

Track from A to B is 040°

You have to work out heading and ground speed. Then calculate PNR or ETP.

Interpolation Of Winds Expand

With the new GPWT giving winds at 1000, 2000, 5000, 7000, 10000 and FL140 it is highly likely that winds between layers need to be estimated using interpolation for some CFPA questions. Until we receive more feedback, it would pay to know how.

Feedback – Mid Nov 2017 Expand I was perplexed by the SSR codes question in my CFPA exam last week having never seen nor read about them when studying.
So I took a stab in the dark and got the answer wrong.

3 items had to be matched to the codes /S, P, D, M, J, E as per the Supplementary Information diagram off the Flight Notification Form.

1 First aid kit
2 Water
3 ELT 406MHz

Only after the exam was I able to find the info in the AIP as per the attached photos.

The Flight Notification Form is under Appendix 1 in the AIP ENR 1.10-13
Supplemental Information – Item 19 ENR 1.10-30 & 31

It may seem odd for the examiners to dig a question out of the depths of the AIP like this but I guess if they have asked it then we had better know it.

I passed with 82%, my lowest of the 4 sat since September but am very happy as it was the toughest so far.


Note we have added this as the last question in CFPA Exam 10

Tips Expand

Learn the forward limit equation for Echo and why its 2360

******Know where to find conversions in ERSA*****

Lots and lots of weight and balance questions and ZFW, and a few trick ones where i blew my wight past limits and had to readjust. Lots of fuel /wind/GS calcs and a few ETP PNR questions.

All loading charts with scenarios for Alpha Bravo Charlie and Echo.

SSR Codes from AIP ENR 1.10-13  The Flight Notification Form &
Supplemental Information – Item 19 ENR 1.10-30 & 31

Remember when calculating that winds are given as True and you need to convert to Magnetic!!!

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Download AIP- Aerodrome

Download the 72 page 6MD pdf AIP-AD (Aerodrome)

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CASA Current Rules

All the current Acts, regulations, associated legislative instruments and guidance material from CASA.

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Altitude Calculator

Use the super cool altitude calculator to rapidly learn how to do pressure and density calcs or to cross check your answers.

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Fuel Calculator

Use these awesome fuel calculators so you can wrap your head around key fuel calculations. WARNING – For exams use only.

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ETP PNR Calculators

Use these brilliant calculators to learn or check your PNR and ETP Calcs. WARNING – For exams use only.

Go To Calculator

PPL Relevant Exams

PPL Performance 1

Do 35 questions

ISA, Density & Pressure Altitude

Forces, Air Speeds

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PPL Performance 2

Do 40 questions, IAS, TAS, CAS

Calculations, Aircraft Category,

W&Bal, TO & L Performance, Alpha Chart

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PPL Loading Systems

Loading Questions, this exam is in early development, pls provide feedback.

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PPL Aircraft Weights

Do 15 questions. TOW, Moments

Moment Index, Load Distribution

W&Bal, Take Off Performance

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RPL Relevant Exams

RPL Performance 1

Do 16 questions

Density & Pressure Alt

TORA, TODA, Charts etc

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RPL Performance 2

Do 16 questions

Takeoff Performance

Surfaces etc

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RPL Perfromance 3

Do 40 questions, IAS, TAS, CAS

Calculations,Taken from PPL

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RPL C of G

Do 15 questions

C of G, Moments


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RPL Loading & Performance

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RPL Manoeuvres 1

Do 15 questions, exam 1 of 2

Turns, Bank Angle, Balance

Load Factors, Calculations

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RPL Manoeuvres 2

Do 26 questions, exam 2 of 2

Wind In Turns, Stalling IAS

Stalls, Wake Turbulence

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RPL Climbing

Do 15 questions

Angle, Rate

Performance, Scenarios

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RPL Descending

Do 10 questions

Descending, Power, Weight

Wind, Wind Shear

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