Commercial Pilot Licence CPL Practice Exam Questions
CPL Aerodynamics CADA
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Do 25 of 35+ questions on A of A, design, lift and drag
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Do 25 of 30+ questions on A of A, lift formula, slipstream, asymmetric
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Do 25 of 35+ questions on takeoff wings, vortices
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Do 25 of 50+ questions on range, thrust & power
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Do 25 of 25+ questions on design, thrust & power
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Do 25 of 45+ questions on climbing and descending
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Do 25 of 45+ questions on turning and stability
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Do 25 of 35+ questions on turning and v speeds
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Do 25 of 30+ questions on stalling
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Do 25 of 25+ questions on spins and spirals.
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This is an amazing deal for all 7 subjects. Unlimited personal access and attempts for up to 12 months. Allows time to pass & importantly revise.
Join Now Join Here Click Here CASA Feedback Aeroplane ExpandMost topics have been well handled. However a higher than expected percentage of candidates appears to be inadequately prepared in the following areas:
- Spoilers and vortex generators
- Knowledge of range and endurance flying
- Wing design – anhedral, dihedral, aspect ratio, wash-out
- Factors affecting aircraft stability
- Flow dynamics – pressure changes with changes in angles of attack
- Take-off and landing – “ground effect” and it effects aeroplane performance
Most syllabus topics have been well handled as evident in the pass rate. However a higher than expected percentage of candidates appear to be inadequately prepared in the following areas:
- Ground effect – aerodynamic principles and the environmental factors that influence it
- Tail rotor effectiveness and associated factors
- Tail Rotor – Knowledge of airflows and forces and behaviour of a tail rotor
- Dynamic rollover
- Mast bumping
The new final preps are amazing.
You also need to cover trim tabs and balance tabs.
Feedback Late Sept 2018 ExpandThe new final preps are spot on.
Additionally two questions on superchargers to do with max range and endurance at high flight levels. (no effect on max endurance, but better range, because higher flight level = thinner air)
Also 4 questions on tail wheels and the aerodynamic differences to be expected.
Feedback – Nov 2017 Expand Know all the aerodynamic lift and drag graphs power required and available and be able to draw them it will help you answer questions.The 3 dimensions of stability what affects stability and both statically and dynamically.
Spins and spiral dives causes, recognition and recovery and the rationale why we recover the way we do
Know what happens to the curves with flaps, spoilers, ↑ or ↓ weight – these are absolutely in there so know them
Know regions of reverse command
Use the Bob Tait text and these questions plus know all your graphs, diagrams spins, spirals and stability and you will be fine. Don’t under estimate it though, it is a hard exam.
Know controls such as differential ailerons and the different type of tabs Feedback – Dec 2017 Expand
These exams cover almost all the bases. The actual exam questions are a little harder in my opinion, although a few class mates thought they where spot on, so I guess it depends which questions you get.
Scrub up on supercharged and turbocharged engines and how they work. None of the textbooks cover this and our integrated lessons didn’t mention it. Almost everyone seems to get questions about max endurance in relation to superchargers and turbo chargers.
Note from Matt: max endurance requires low power settings and we want dense air. Dense air is at low altitudes. Superchargers/turbo’s basically allow aircraft to have rated boost during climb.
At altitude IAS will have higher TAS, but lift is the result of IAS, not TAS. Thus at 9500 feet we need a higher TAS to stay above the stall and a higher power setting. Our max endurance would be significantly affected.
However for max endurance we want to descend to where the air is dense, use less power and stay out of the turbo boost type range. The turbo and supercharger will have far less effect on max endurance at these lower altitudes and power settings.
If the question requires you to operate at high altitudes and higher power setting then the turbo / superchargers will allow you to do that , but will be detrimental to max endurance.
Feedback – Dec 2017 ExpandThese questions are fantastic. However CASA will always keep fiddling and throwing in surprises. Here are a few that caught me out.
Know the effect of changes in flight conditions on total drag resulting from changes in IAS, aircraft weight and height, the meaning of the term used in Lift/Drag Formula (CL and CD) , they depend upon the shape and the angle of attack of an aerofoil. Know region of reverse command and what the S stands for in the Drag formula, and how C of G affects stall.
Make a note of hard questions ExpandThe exam is not long but it is the hardest I have done. Use your scribble pad and skip or write down any hard questions that need reviewing. I had a few where I remembered the answers while doing other questions and there is info in other questions that helped with previous questions. So make sure you write the hard questions down as you go.

RPL Aerodynamics Exams
RPL Aerody.. Controls
Aerodynamic Controls
Do 20 questions in exam 1 of 2
Aerodynamics, Control Surfaces
Start Practice ExamRPL Aerody. Controls 2
Aerodynamic Controls
Do 20 questions in exam 2 of 2
Yaw, Roll, Pitch, Axis of rotation
Start Practice ExamRPL Aerody.. Forces
Do 21 questions, exam 1 of 3
Aerodynamics Forces, Vectors
A of A, Stalling, Airfoils
FREE Practice ExamRPL Aerody.. Forces 2
Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 3
C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift
A of A, Drag,Ground Effect
Start Practice ExamRPL Aerody.. Forces 3
Do 22 questions, exam 3 of 3
C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift
A of A, Drag,Ground Effect
Start Practice ExamRPL Aerodynamic Design
Do 23 questions, exam 1 of 2
Flaps, Balancers, Drag
Flap Types, Flutter
Start Practice ExamRPL Aerodynamic Design 2
Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 2
Trim, Tail Draggers
Slipstream, Pressure
Start Practice ExamRPL Climbing
Do 15 questions
Angle, Rate
Performance, Scenarios
Start Practice ExamRPL Descending
Do 10 questions
Descending, Power, Weight
Wind, Wind Shear
FREE Practice ExamRPL Manoeuvres 1
Do 15 questions, exam 1 of 2
Turns, Bank Angle, Balance
Load Factors, Calculations
Start Practice ExamRPL Manoeuvres 2
Do 26 questions, exam 2 of 2
Wind In Turns, Stalling IAS
Stalls, Wake Turbulence
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This is an amazing deal for all 7 subjects. Unlimited personal access and attempts for up to 12 months. Allows time to pass & importantly revise.
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