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CPL Pilot Practice Exams CADH Aerodynamics OLD

CPL Practice Exam Questions CADH

CPL Aerodynamics CADH

This content is from MOS unit 1.3.3 and is helicopter specific.

Recommended & Our Referenced Textbook: ASA The Principles of Helicopter Flight: 2nd Edition by W.J Wagtendonk


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Do 20 random questions from 30+

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Do 20 random questions from 30+

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Do 20 random questions from 30+

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Do 20 random questions from 120 questions from CADH 1-4

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Do 20 random questions from 130 questions from CADC

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CPL Aerodynamics – Common Unit 1.3.1

This content is from MOS unit 1.3.3 and is common to both aeroplane and helicopter. All aeroplane specific questions have been removed.

Optional Textbook: Bob Tait CPL Aerodynamics (Actual Book Version).  Aerodynamics does not change rapidly like other areas of study, so a used textbook will be fine.


CADC Unit 1.3.1

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CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

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CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

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CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

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CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

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CADC Unit 1.3.1

Do 20 questions from 30+

Start Practice Exam You Will Not Be Given References In Questions Expand

In law exams or law parts of exams it is extremely unlikely that you will be given any law references.

We sometimes include them in the questions to help candidates towards the beginning of their study find things.

A huge part of law is you knowing how to find things quickly. Read and check the legislation and DO NOT rely on memory for answers.


PPE’s Ultimate Law Guides Expand

This google sheet PPE’s Ultimate Law Guide, will become the ultimate study buddy, for locating the laws and ticking off that you know them.

For ATPL Law Only – Anthony’s Guide

PPE Law Extracts & Permitted Materials Expand

Read this carefully before every exam and check for the latest permitted matrials on this first link:

You are welcome to self print and bind these, but, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for making sure they comply, before trying to enter an exam room with them.

CPL Law expect 3-4 FDP questions.

PPE Law Reference PDF Expand CAO Adjustment Of Seats
Vol 3 CAR 257 Aerodrome Meteorological Minima
Vol 3 CAR 256A Animals
CAO 20.11.14 Briefing Of Passengers
CAO Cargo In A Pilot Compartment
CAO Cargo On A Passenger Seat
CASR 61.31 Carriage Of Documents
CAO Carriage Of Infants & Children
CAO Carriage Of Parachutists
CASR 61.57 CPL privileges
Vol 4 CAR SCHED5 Daily Inspection
Vol 3 CAR Vol Day To Day Stuff &
Vol 3 CAR 139 Documents To Be Carried
CAO 29.5.2 Dropping Of Articles
Vol 3 CAR 150 Dropping Of Articles
CAO 20.2.4 Dual Controls
Vol 3 CAR 253 Emergency Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 252A Emergency Locator Transmitters
CAO 20.11.6 Emergency Signalling Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 143 Firearms
CAO 48 Flight Duty Periods
Vol 3 CAR 258 Flight Over Water
Vol 3 CAR 172 Flight Visibility & Distance From Cloud
CAO 20.2.6 Fuel Quantity Measurement
CAO 20.2.5 Fuel System Inspection
CAO 20.9.4 Fuelling Of Aircraft
CAO Fuelling With Passengers
Vol 3 CAR 189 Ground Signals
CAO 20.1 Hot Refuelling (Cao 95.7 Para 7)
CAO 20.18 VI Instruments Required For Vfr
Vol 3 CAR 256 Intoxicated Persons
CASR 61.1075 Kinds Of Low Level
Vol 2 CAR Vol 2 Licensing
CAO Life Rafts
Vol 3 CAR 187 Light Signals
CASR 61.375 Limitations
CASR 61.345 Logbooks
CAO Loose Articles
Vol 3 CAR 157 Low Flying
CASR 61.104 Low Level Ratings
Vol 1 CAR Vol 1 Maintenance
Vol 4 CAR SCHED8 Maintenance A Pilot Can Do
Vol 3 CAR 166A Manoeuvring Area/Vicinity Of Non Controlled Aerodrome
CASR 61.42 Medical – Carriage Of Documents
CASR 61.415 Medical – Commercial
CASR 61.41 Medical – Private
CASR 61.405 Medical – Recreational
CASR 61.955 Night VFR
Vol 3 CAR 215 Operations Manual
CAO 20.11.5 Over Water Flight
CAO 20.4.6 Oxygen
CAO Passenger Capacity
CAO Passenger In A Control Seat
CAO Passenger Lists
Vol 3 CAR 151 Picking Up Person/Articles
Vol 3 CAR 309 Pilots Powers
Vol 3 CAR 140 PRD areas
Vol 3 CAR 245 Pre Take-Off Checks
Vol 3 CAR 156 Public Gatherings
Vol 3 CAR 159 Radio Failure Procedure
CASR 61.435 Radio Operation
CASR 61.395 Recent Experience For Passenger Flight
CAO APNDX III Remote Areas
CAO 20.2 Removal Of Locking & Safety Devices
Vol 3 CAR 233 Responsibility Of Pilot Before Flight
CAO Restraint Of Cargo
CASR 61.355 Retention Of Logbook
Vol 3 CAR 161 Right Of Way
CAO Safety Precautions During Refuelling
Vol 4 CAR VOL Schedules
Vol 3 CAR 251 Seat Belts
CAO Seat Belts & Harnesses
CAO Seats
CAO 20.2.3 Security Of Doors & Hatches
CAO Sick Or Injured Passengers
CAO Smoking
Vol 3 CAR 255 Smoking
CAO 20.9.5 Starting Engines & Ground Operation
Vol 3 CAR 166B Straight In Approach
CASR 61.113 Student Pilots
CAO 20.11.7 Survival Equipment
CAO 48.0.1 Tour Of Duty Limitations (Old)
Vol 3 CAR 174A VFR equipment
Vol 3 CAR 171 VFR flight
Vol 3 CAR 166E Vicinity Of Certified/Military Aerodrome
Vol 3 CAR 185 Visual Signals Am I Exam Ready PDF Expand


AIP & ERSA Highlighting & Tagging Guide Expand

Warning: overhighlighting may make your AIP unusable. However, we do suggest highlighting the sections you use to study.***

RPL & PPL Light & Time Guide Expand PPL Flight & Ground Theory Test Expand

Be sure to check in the Main Menu > Other > Flight Test > PPL

PPE Navigation Cheat Sheet PDF Expand

This is a one page PDF to get you all the basics in one place.

Calculation of ETP and Asymmetric ETP are for CPL upwards only.

Note only very basic ETP would be in CNAV. Any hard ETP or PNR will be in CFPA exams only. At one stage CASA slipped a few into CNAV, but we believe that error has been rectified.

RPL Aerodynamics Exams

These questions are from the RPL(A) units. Previous helicopter exam candidates have commented that they are still very useful.

RPL Aerody.. Controls

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam 1 of 2

Aerodynamics, Control Surfaces

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RPL Aerody. Controls 2

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam  2 of 2

Yaw, Roll, Pitch, Axis of rotation

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RPL Aerody.. Forces

Do 21 questions, exam 1 of 3

Aerodynamics Forces, Vectors

A of A, Stalling, Airfoils

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Aerody.. Forces 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

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RPL Aerody.. Forces 3

Do 22 questions, exam 3 of 3

C of G, Weight, Thrust, Lift

A of A, Drag,Ground Effect

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RPL Aerodynamic Design

Do 23 questions, exam 1 of 2

Flaps, Balancers, Drag

Flap Types, Flutter

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RPL Aerodynamic Design 2

Do 22 questions, exam 2 of 2

Trim, Tail Draggers

Slipstream, Pressure

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RPL Climbing

Do 15 questions

Angle, Rate

Performance, Scenarios

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RPL Descending

Do 10 questions

Descending, Power, Weight

Wind, Wind Shear

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RPL Manoeuvres 1

Do 15 questions, exam 1 of 2

Turns, Bank Angle, Balance

Load Factors, Calculations

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RPL Manoeuvres 2

Do 26 questions, exam 2 of 2

Wind In Turns, Stalling IAS

Stalls, Wake Turbulence

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Permitted Materials List From CASA Website

Always check the CASA website for updated lists and requirements.

Your invigilator will give you some things before the exam, which you must hand back at the end. These include:

  • pen
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • scribble pad.

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