RAA Navigational And Met Exam Exam Tips

RAA Navigation & Meteorology XC Exam Tips

Exam Format

This is a 50 multiple choice question exam with a pass mark of 80%.

There are approx 40 questions that are just normal multiple choice questions.

There is the first part of an ARFOR down to around the REMARKS section. You will be required to determine its period of validity. Interpret if the weather is fine, raining or drizzle. And relate cloud information from the ARFOR to OKTAS.

4 questions relate to an extract from a WAC chart where you are given location for a flight. You will be required to do 4 questions on this WAC. Work out the magnetic heading of a leg, measure the distance between locations, find total flight distance and find the minimum safe hemispheric cruising altitude for a leg.

4 questions relate to an extract from another WAC chart, where you are required to find the sames as above.

Equipment Required

A Jeppesen or E6B Flight Computer , A ruler for WAC charts and a protractor for WAC charts.

Pencil, sharpener and rubber.

Normal calculator may help for some.

Calculations Required

Calculate time interval from A to B with wind and cruising speed given.

Tally up several legs to find total flight time.

Fuel calculations for entire flight with no mention of reserves.

Measure distances on map using correct scale on ruler.

Exam Options

There are three possible 50 question exams your examiner can choose from, with a total possible 60 odd questions spread across the 3 exams.

Exam Topics To Know

Which clouds have severe turbulence and their abbreviation
Hemispheric VFR cruise levels
Source of info for restricted airspace
When an alternate aerodrome is required
Displaced threshold
Pressure system wind directions
Use NAIPS to obtain weather
Low or high pressure typically associated with what weather
Max altitude in RAA aircraft without a radio
Ramp check documents required
Where to get aerodrome frequencies
Under what cond can RAA fly >5000 ft
Synoptic charts
When can RAA aircraft fly in P,R, or D areas
Where are circuit directions found
Aeronautical documents required in the aircraft during navigation
Minimum flight altitude above closely settled areas
Distance from your aerodrome requiring weather forecast
Interpreting ARFORs to decide if weather is fine, rain or drizzle
OKTAS for cloud types
Calculate time intervals
Measure and tally total distance on WAC using a 1:1000000 ruler
Find magnetic heading on a WAC using a protractor
Calculate ETI for a leg on a WAC
Find minimum cruise level on a WAC

If you know the above and you work through the Final Prep Exam you will definitely be exam ready.