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CPL Pilot Practice Exams CSYH

Commercial Pilot Licence CPL Practice Exam Questions

CPL Helicopter Specific General Knowledge CSYH


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Do 20 of 30+ CSYH questions

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Do 20 of 30+ CSYH questions

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CPL General Knowledge CSYA – Common Unit Questions

CPL CSYA Final Prep 1

Updated Jan 2019

Do 40 random from 70+ questions

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CPL CSYA Final Prep 2

Updated Jan 2019

Do 30 random from 60+ questions

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CPL CSYA Final Prep 3

Updated Jan 2019

Do 30 random from 60+ questions

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CPL CSYA Final Prep 4

Updated Jan 2019

Do 30 random from 60+ questions

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CPL CSYA Final Prep 5

Updated Jan 2019

Do 30 random from 60+ questions

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CPL CSYA Final Prep 6

Updated Jan 2019

Do 30 random from 60+ questions

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AGK Final Prep

Do 30 questions of 46+ questions on CASA problem topics from syllabus units PAKC & BAKC

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This google sheet PPE’s Ultimate Law Guide, will become the ultimate study buddy, for locating the laws and ticking off that you know them.


And For ATPL Law Only – Anthony’s Guide


PPE Law Extracts & Permitted Materials

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RPL and PPL Permitted Materials

CPL Permitted Materials

IREX & Ratings Permitted Materials

ATPL Permitted Materials

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You are welcome to self print and bind these, but, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for making sure they comply, before trying to enter an exam room with them.

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PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 1 Extract

PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 3 Extract

PPE’s CAR 1988 Volume 4 Extract

PPE’s CASR 1988 Extract

PPE’s CAO Extract

Civil Aviation Order 48.1 Instrument 2013

Civil Aviation Order 48.0 – Flight time limitations – General (02122004)

Civil Aviation Order 48.1 Amendment Instrument 2016 (No. 1)

CAAP 234 New Fuel Rules

PPE’s IREX Law Extract

PPE Law Reference PDF

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CAO Adjustment Of Seats
Vol 3 CAR 257 Aerodrome Meteorological Minima
Vol 3 CAR 256A Animals
CAO 20.11.14 Briefing Of Passengers
CAO Cargo In A Pilot Compartment
CAO Cargo On A Passenger Seat
CASR 61.31 Carriage Of Documents
CAO Carriage Of Infants & Children
CAO Carriage Of Parachutists
CASR 61.57 CPL privileges
Vol 4 CAR SCHED5 Daily Inspection
Vol 3 CAR Vol Day To Day Stuff &
Vol 3 CAR 139 Documents To Be Carried
CAO 29.5.2 Dropping Of Articles
Vol 3 CAR 150 Dropping Of Articles
CAO 20.2.4 Dual Controls
Vol 3 CAR 253 Emergency Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 252A Emergency Locator Transmitters
CAO 20.11.6 Emergency Signalling Equipment
Vol 3 CAR 143 Firearms
CAO 48 Flight Duty Periods
Vol 3 CAR 258 Flight Over Water
Vol 3 CAR 172 Flight Visibility & Distance From Cloud
CAO 20.2.6 Fuel Quantity Measurement
CAO 20.2.5 Fuel System Inspection
CAO 20.9.4 Fuelling Of Aircraft
CAO Fuelling With Passengers
Vol 3 CAR 189 Ground Signals
CAO 20.1 Hot Refuelling (Cao 95.7 Para 7)
CAO 20.18 VI Instruments Required For Vfr
Vol 3 CAR 256 Intoxicated Persons
CASR 61.1075 Kinds Of Low Level
Vol 2 CAR Vol 2 Licensing
CAO Life Rafts
Vol 3 CAR 187 Light Signals
CASR 61.375 Limitations
CASR 61.345 Logbooks
CAO Loose Articles
Vol 3 CAR 157 Low Flying
CASR 61.104 Low Level Ratings
Vol 1 CAR Vol 1 Maintenance
Vol 4 CAR SCHED8 Maintenance A Pilot Can Do
Vol 3 CAR 166A Manoeuvring Area/Vicinity Of Non Controlled Aerodrome
CASR 61.42 Medical – Carriage Of Documents
CASR 61.415 Medical – Commercial
CASR 61.41 Medical – Private
CASR 61.405 Medical – Recreational
CASR 61.955 Night VFR
Vol 3 CAR 215 Operations Manual
CAO 20.11.5 Over Water Flight
CAO 20.4.6 Oxygen
CAO Passenger Capacity
CAO Passenger In A Control Seat
CAO Passenger Lists
Vol 3 CAR 151 Picking Up Person/Articles
Vol 3 CAR 309 Pilots Powers
Vol 3 CAR 140 PRD areas
Vol 3 CAR 245 Pre Take-Off Checks
Vol 3 CAR 156 Public Gatherings
Vol 3 CAR 159 Radio Failure Procedure
CASR 61.435 Radio Operation
CASR 61.395 Recent Experience For Passenger Flight
CAO APNDX III Remote Areas
CAO 20.2 Removal Of Locking & Safety Devices
Vol 3 CAR 233 Responsibility Of Pilot Before Flight
CAO Restraint Of Cargo
CASR 61.355 Retention Of Logbook
Vol 3 CAR 161 Right Of Way
CAO Safety Precautions During Refuelling
Vol 4 CAR VOL Schedules
Vol 3 CAR 251 Seat Belts
CAO Seat Belts & Harnesses
CAO Seats
CAO 20.2.3 Security Of Doors & Hatches
CAO Sick Or Injured Passengers
CAO Smoking
Vol 3 CAR 255 Smoking
CAO 20.9.5 Starting Engines & Ground Operation
Vol 3 CAR 166B Straight In Approach
CASR 61.113 Student Pilots
CAO 20.11.7 Survival Equipment
CAO 48.0.1 Tour Of Duty Limitations (Old)
Vol 3 CAR 174A VFR equipment
Vol 3 CAR 171 VFR flight
Vol 3 CAR 166E Vicinity Of Certified/Military Aerodrome
Vol 3 CAR 185 Visual Signals Am I Exam Ready PDF

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AIP & ERSA Highlighting & Tagging Guide

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ERSA Prep Highlighting and Tagging Guide

*** Be sure to read CASA’s highlighting and tagging section of the website, which we have summarised here. Permitted Materials Summary

RPL & PPL Light & Time Guide



Do 32 questions. on engines

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Do 17 questions on engines (cont)

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Do 23 questions  on propellers

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Do 15 questions. on fuel and fuel systems

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Do 31 questions on electrical and ignitions

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Do 19 questions on supercharging, hydraulics and undercarriage

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Do 36 questions on instruments, autopilot and fire protection

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CPL 40 Questions

Do 40 random questions. drawn from CSYA 1-7 exams here

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Join Now Feedback From Recent Candidates

Visible to paid members only.

CASA Feedback

Common errors which we noted were:

  • Ammeter indications
  • Recognition of different fuels
  • Fire warning and extinguishing systems
  • Correct use of carburettor heat
  • Turbo-chargers and associated engine handling
  • Understanding of magneto operation
  • Correct understanding of vibration either in the main rotor or tail rotor – Helicopter only
Feedback – May 2019

You should study and know every normal guage and what a high, low or fluctuating reading means. Especially, fuel, oil and ammeters.

Know your ammeters and where they sit when, both left zero and centre zero.

Know your waste gate pressures and how they relate to leaks and performance with leaks in various locations.


Feedback – Jan 2019

Icing – lots of icing questions. I don’t know the questions, but have heard several people say lots of icing.

From BAK syllabus;

(i) oil temperature and pressure;

(vi) engine icing.

3.4.3 Describe the method for checking the operation of carburettor heat prior to take-off.

3.4.4 State the atmospheric conditions of outside air temperature and relative humidity, engine control settings and power conditions which are conducive to the formation in a carburettor, including the severity of the icing, of the following:

(a) throttle ice;

(b) fuel evaporation ice;

(c) impact ice.

3.4.5 State the danger of progressive throttle increments if engine icing is not diagnosed.

3.4.6 Describe the use of carburettor heat for:

(a) anti-icing;

(b) de-icing;

(c) ground operation.

3.4.7 Describe the difference between the use of ‘alternate air’ and ‘carburettor heat’ controls.

From CPL Syllabus;

Describe the cockpit indications in an aeroplane fitted with a variable pitch propeller which could signify:

(a) the presence of engine ice; and

(b) when engine ice has been cleared after application of ‘carb heat’.

2.2.5 Explain the effect of using carburettor heat on aeroplanes fitted with a CSU

Feedback – Jan 2019

Know everything you possibly can about turbochargers and superchargers, as well as how they operate at various altitudes, with leaks (both upstream and downstream) , how they effect max altitude, range, fuel economy, and what heights to cruise at if they are functioning properly or adversely. Some people are geting lots of questions on both these.

Feedback – Mar 2018

Know voltmeter questions, what would they show after start, larger range of hydraulic questions, lack of gas/ stand pipes and there use.

Know how fire protection systems work, where they are sprayed into.

Know compass errors.

Know icing (several) , also know  throttle icing.

Feedback – Dec 2017

I used pilotpracticeexams.com and paper based Tait and Avery. these questions cover all content, but the actual exam has some harder questions. Eg: wastegates and how altitude effects them .Also knwo your turbo chargers and superchargers well. No texts cover them and there are questions on them and how they work at altitude.

Taits textbook questions are helpful, but obviously far slower, Avery questions are way over the top hard compared to the exam.

Know waste-gate operation, CSU with low/no oil, best power mixture, low CHT on descent, carb ice symptoms, carb ice and EGT, how to use a DI, fluctuation of oil pressure, function of pressure release valve, inverter functioning, ideal conditions for frozen throttle, difference between frozen pitot and static, magneto problems, ammeter readings, upstream v downstream turbo leaks, compass errors when turning and accelerating.

Feedback – Nov 2017

Fuel colours, ammeter, battery v alternator fault, magneto testing and various errors,  ice and carb ice, ice forming conditions above 0°C, hydraulic feedback.

Its not enough to knwo the systems, you need to know how conditions affect each system. Eg how altitude affects power with turbo and SC, ice formation in the throttle etc. As you study make notes on how conditions affect each system.

Use Matts, how to study videos and say the stuff out loud about how each system works. I even explained how things work to my family and after I bored them to sleep, I explained them to myself which really helped.  If you can’t explain the systems you will struggle.

Join Here Click Here Image 2019-03-26 at 8.35.36 AM

RPL Aircraft General Knowledge Exams

RPL Radio Random

Do 30 questions of 116 questions

On Radio drawn from all over the site

taken from RAA RPL PPL Section

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RPL Aerody.. Controls

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam 1 of 2

Aerodynamics, Control Surfaces

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RPL Aerody. Controls 2

Aerodynamic Controls

Do 20 questions in exam  2 of 2

Yaw, Roll, Pitch, Axis of rotation

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RPL Oil & Magneto’s

Do 20 questions

Oil System, Oils

Magneto, Spark Plugs

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RPL Electrical System

Do 20 questions

Battery, Alternator, CircuitB

Starter, Bus Bar, Fuses

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RPL Instruments

Do 25 questions

Gyro, AH, AI, DG

Turn & Bank, Compass

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RPL Cockpit

Do 10 questions

IAS, Artificial Horizon

Weights & Configurations

FREE Practice Exam

RPL Engine & Carby

Do 15 questions

Engine, Strokes

Carby, Carb Ice

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RPL Fuel System

Do 15 questions

Octane, Mixture, Gravity

Pumps, Contamination

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