Avoid Fails, Stress, Anxiety & Pass Your Exams In Half The Time!

The piloting future you dream of, can only be fueled by first passing exams!

Before PPE (3)

RAA RPL PPL Please Select A Membership Option Below

RAA & RPL 12 Mths $67

Includes RAA & RPL  plus CASA Samples. 12 months personal use.

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RPL & PPL 12 Mths $67

Includes RPL & PPL Exams plus CASA Samples. 12 months personal use.

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RAA & RPL & PPL $87

12 Mths RAA & RPL & PPL Exams plus CASA Samples. 12 months personal use.

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CPL Please Select A Membership Option Below

Purchase all 7 subjects and save over 50%, or purchase one subject at a time.

SAVE 51% Full CPL $167

12 mths – 7 subjects* – read below

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Full Integrated CPL $237

24 mths, RAA +RPL + PPL + CASA Samples + 7CPL subjects* – important read below

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CPL HumF $47

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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CPL Law $47

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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CPL Aero $47

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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Up to 3 Months access – read below

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CPL Met $47

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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CPL Nav $47

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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CPL Perf $57

Up to 3 Months access – read below

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Please check your SPAM folder after purchase for the login emails. 

Activation is generally instant, however if your browser will not activate please allow up to 12 hours for manual activation.


The “current” membership software limits access to one membership level at a time – new software is being investigated.

*Full Integrated CPL Deal + RAA RPL PPL (24 Months) – Members begin with access to the full RAA + RPL + PPL + CASA sample exams until they ask to be swapped to CPL. With CPL  you access one subject at a time and one access per subject. Allow 6-24 hours to be changed from one subject to the next. If you need access to two subjects at any point in time you will need to provide a second email address. You can take as long or short as you want per subject, but your total membership period is limited to 24 months.

*Full 7 Subject CPL Deal  – Members have access to one subject at a time and one access per subject. Allow 6-24 hours to be changed from one subject to the next. If you need access to two subjects at any point in time you will need to provide a second email address. You can take as long or short as you want per subject, but your membership period is 12 months in total. I will investigate an extension deal for people taking longer than 12 months if necessary when the time arises. Likely to be about $50-$70 for an extra 6 months.

CPL subjects purchased individually. UNLESS you can provide a second email address, when you want access to the next subject, you have to relinquish access to your previous subject. You can only be subscribed to one subject at any point in time with a single email address. No refund is given for unused time when you choose to proceed to the next subject.