COSA – CPL Overseas Conversion

Do yourself a huge favour and bookmark this page right now.

Step 1 – Contact CASA and get an Aviation Reference Number (ARN)

Most peoples requirements are different, so as a first step you should contact CASA and give them all your details and what you want to do. CASA will then tell you what exams need to be sat and what flight tests or ratings need to be done.

Get an ARN from CASA. (It’s just your unique CASA number).

CASA will also want you to get your Federal Aviation Authority to release documents to CASA and they will want you to pass our Australian citizen or visa and security checks.

You will also need a medical,

Step 2 – Prove You Are Proficient In English

You must pass at least a Level 4 Aviation English Proficiency Assessment and produce a statement from an authorised authority showing  ALEP level 4, 5 or 6. Certify your documents by a CASA approved witness and send the copy to CASA.

Step 3 -Prepare & Sit Your Exams

In most cases they will require you to sit CHUF and COSA exams. CHUF is CPL Human Factors and COSA is a mix of CPL Law and CPL Meteorology.

CASA made its biggest changes ever in Dec 2021 and we have been informed COSA may have more of a Focus on Law. However the inclusion of Aus PCA maps, ERSA, ERC Low maps, VTC maps on the Permitted materials lists still indicates there will likely be navigational questions with potential for operational MET questions.

Step 4 – Gather Your Resources

Websites – The printed VFRG is mainly for RPL and PPL level, but you will find the VFRG website incredibly useful.

Likewise you will find the Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM) Knowledge Center Website very useful. In particular the Hazardous Phenomena Tabs.

Also the “About” PDF’s which are often found by clicking question marks or in the top right of each page. Also the Forecast PDF’s explain how to decode the weather and these are critical to passing. is easily the best CPL practice exams in Australia. You will need to purchase CHUF and then COSA. We suggest passing CHUF before purchasing COSA, unless you purchase the COSA bundle.

Textbooks – The Bob Tait paper books are the best. You will want a CPL Met book and a CPL HUF book. We believe the Law book is unnecessary for most people. If you really struggle with exams the law textbook may be worthwhile.  Make sure you get recent copies as the CASA law changes have been remarkable. Anything prior to 2019 will be useless.

If you ask in our Facebook group there will be a very high possibility someone is selling one.

The legislation in Australia is huge and undergoing a lot of change. The best place to access it all is the CASA website under Current Rules.

Some of these you can self print others you cannot. There are strict rules about printing and binding which you can read here on the CASA website. 

You will need to purchase a copy of the AIP from airservices. If it is about due for a reprint, download a free PDF copy from the airservices website. Just google it.

Check the CASA website for permitted materials for the exam you will sit. Each list has an Airsevices and a Jeppeson list. We strongly suggest the Airsevices list. Our practice exams are referenced for the Airsevices  list and 80%+ of people use that list.

These lists also give good clues about what to study. A closer look at CMET and CLWA is worthwhile. 

COSA has approximately 36-38 questions.

Permitted Materials – Choose from one of the following 2 lists.

Airservices list

CAR 1988

Part 61 of CASR

Part 91 of CASR and Part 91 MOS

Part 135 of CASR and Part 135 MOS

CAO 48.1 Instrument 2019

AIP Book

ERSA complete


ERC LOW 1/2 and 3/4 only (2 ERC LOWs)

Hobart/Launceston VTC

Brisbane-Sunshine Coast/Gold Coast VTC

Jeppesen list

CAR 1988

Part 61 of CASR

Part 91 of CASR and Part 91 MOS

Part 135 of CASR and Part 135 MOS

CAO 48.1 Instrument 2019

Jeppesen Airway Manual


Hobart/Launceston VTC

Brisbane-Sunshine Coast/Gold Coast VTC







Purchase your maps from any online pilot store or Airservices (check the date and do not buy about to expire maps). The maps are re-printed twice per year, around May and Nov.

Step 4 – Watch Our Free How To Study Videos

You are in for a very serious shock. To put it politely CASA are extremely tough compared to almost every jurisdiction on earth. They deliberately use very ambiguous wording and focus on the most bizarre and obscure little details. So watch the videos and prepare to study very hard.

If you expect these to be as easy as the Europe or the USA exams, you are in for a very rude surprise.

Print out the relevant bullet points from the Part61 Manual of Standards (MOS) in volume 3.  As you study tick them off when you know them. Go to Unit 1.6.2    CHFC: CPL Human factors    and  Unit 1.8.3     CMTC: CPL meteorology – all aircraft categories  and  Unit 1.5.8     CFRC: CPL flight rules and air law – all aircraft categories  and  Unit 1.5.9   CFRA: CPL flight rules and air law – aeroplane

Step 5 – Start Doing Practice Exams Then Studying

Notice I did not say start studying first. If you watched the videos you know exactly why. Go and use our super active study methods and actively engage the brain by using our practice exam super cycles. Don’t just read and randomly study everything. Use the practice exams to help you identify your exact problem areas and laser focus your study efforts. Use the super active study and memory techniques to drill it into your memory.

Step 6 – Book Your Exam Early

It can take up to a month sometimes to get an exam booking, especially around xmas time. So plan ahead, give yourself time and book weeks in advance on the ASPEQ website. You will need your CASA ARN to make a booking.

Our COSA and COSH exam packages are available on the Join Page via the main menu.

When you join you will be given access to CHUF, CMET and CLWA practice exams. You will use the exams and tips on those pages, via the main menu.

This will depend on which package you purchase.

Menu > CPL > CMET or  CLWA or CHUF.

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