CHUF Members Only Tips

CHUF Members Only Tips

CPL Human Factors CHUF

You will get 30-40 questions. Usually 5-10 are TEM.

WARNING – In mid Sept 2018 one candidate got 19 TEM questions and his class mate got 1 TEM question.

CASA Feedback Expand

Subject feedback

While the subject has been well handled by most candidates, there are areas that may require careful preparation, as follows:

  • Anatomy of the ear and eye
  • Visual illusions on approach
  • Physiological stress

On the topic of TEM, candidates should read ‘Teaching and assessing non-technical skills for single pilot operations‘ dated January 2017, in particular ‘Definitions’ and section 9, Threat and error management. The areas which require more careful attention are:

  • Undesired aircraft state (UAS)
  • Various classifications of threats and errors
  • Various categories of countermeasures
  • Managing Undesired Aircraft States
Feedback – 19 Nov 2018 Expand

Know these:-

  1. You’re cruising at FL300 and suddenly you cabin pressure…..
  2. What temperature is harmful to a pilots operating skills…..0-+5/+10 – +15/+20/0 – -5
Feedback – 1 Sept 2018 Expand

Several candidates have very recently reported questions from the ATPL Syllabus in the CPL CHUF exam on:

  • work load shifts
  • nav system illusions

We don’t have enough details to write questions yet.

Feedback – Sat CHUF Feb 2018 Expand

3 scenarios where given and had questions on 3 circles of leadership

Scenarios and you had to pick the personality type

Also questions on ears parts eye parts and TEM

Feedback – Sat CHUF Mid Dec 2017 Expand

You’ve done a FANTASTIC job at putting the exams together.

i (and the mates i chatted with got basically the same) theres 2-3 questions on duty periods,
requires looking for the answer in the book and a strait answer,
for example like whats the maximum fdp length if you started at 0500
then there was a trickier calculation one like how many times per week are you allowed to work a shift from time x to time y and the answer was written in not multiple choice other than that, this were pretty well as expected from your exams…
carriage of pets and cargo,
where youre allowed to conduct special VFR operations,
active times of restricted areas,
starting aircraft near buildings,
find which runway at airport x requires right hand circuits,
when may the pilot conduct maintenance on the aircraft,
when must fuel and fuel vents be checked,
up to what angle is it considered overtaking and a few others all over the place Feedback – Sat CHUF Mid Oct 2017 Expand

Hi Matthew, thanks for the CPL test, I did it today and found the questions you have quite similar in terms of wording and difficulty in the real test.

The only question I got wrong was on the side effects of a gastro drug, which I didn’t know about or haven’t studied, must say that I have been lucky with the set of questions I get.

the question goes like this: What are the side effects of drug used to stop acute gastro, a. drowsiness b. etc

Feedback – Sat CHUF Sept 2017 Expand

Human Factors Subject is so huge you only get about 2 questions on each thing. Eyes, Ears, Eustachian tube, hypoxia, carbon mon poisoning, illusions, gastro, medical requirements – calculating bmi and 6-12 TEM questions.

Feedback – Sat CHUF Mid Oct 2017 Expand

Hi Matthew, sat the CPL HUF test today and must say a huge thanks to the you, the practise questions definitely helped heaps and covered all bases extremely well! I found their difficulty and style to be very representative of the casa questions and really found the explanations for the answers very beneficial!I had questions about seeing DAME in relation to medicine, trapped gases, stress, effects of sedatives, about 8-10 TEM among a few others.

One questions I had was; a pilot did not turn on anti-ice and then experienced icing on the winds during flight, the question in this case asked you to determine what the error was, however the possible answers were a combination of threats and error, making you have to be careful. I had about 6 of these type of TEM questions

Feedback – Sat CHUF Mid Oct 2017 Expand

Hi Matt, did the CHUF exam yesterday. Got 78% and found your practice questions very helpful. The TEM questions were the hardest. I was expecting the answers to be threat or error terms for a situation such as was it latent, procedural, communication, environmental etc. however had to name the initial error such as was it the pilot being distracted, selecting the wrong altimeter setting, cruising at the wrong altitude. Some other questions I can remember is there is more rods then cones and rods are more light sensitive. What is a side effect for treating gastro. Pilot passing through 6000ft on a winters day gets a headache, trouble breathing and feels not as sharp as usual what are they experiencing. Pilot calls out the wrong glide speed, what type of error. Pilot didn’t check meteorological reports and hits strong headwinds, 25mins until destination, passed a airfield 45mins ago and has 45mins holding fuel, what should they do. Checklist for an engine failure is designed for what. Where do you prefer a testimonial to be posted?

Feedback – Sat CHUF Mid Oct 2017 Expand

Hey Matt I sat the CPL human factors exam today. Your questions are nice and comprehensive. I found them good. I had one on TUC, some on information processing, and one about the affects of too much aspirin (stomach pain and kidney problems). There were 10 TEM questions on the real test.

Read CAAP 5-59 Sections 13 and 14 very carefully Expand

read CAAP 5-59 Sections 13 and 14 very. CAAP 5-59 cannot be taken in the exam but there are several questions all from this section.

defines threats as external events or errors that:
• occur outside the influence of the flight crew;
• increase the operational complexity of the flight; typical external threats to operations might be:
• adverse weather;
• weight and balance;
• density altitude;
• runway length;
• other traffic;
• high terrain or obstacles; or
• the condition of the aircraft.  and
• require crew attention and management if safety
margins are to be maintained. typical internal threats to GA operations might be:
• fatigue;
• complacency;
• over or under confidence;
• lack of flight discipline;
• hazardous behaviour;
◦ impulsiveness;
◦ machoism;
◦ invulnerability;
◦ resignation; and
◦ anti-authority or
• lack of recency and proficiency; Typical errors in GA flight might include:
• incorrect performance calculations;
• inaccurate flight planning;
• non-standard communications;
• aircraft mis-handling;
• incorrect systems operation or management;
• checklist errors; or
• failure to meet flight standards e.g. poor airspeed control. Feedback Nov 17 Expand Know Saccade
Know what runway illusion cause overshoot/undershoot
Know what flights scuba diving waiting periods apply to
Scanning for Traffic correct technique
Breaking into CTA procedure
Last section of the eye before sight travels to the brain
Coriolis illusion
Know Hypoxia, Carbon Monoxide symptoms
Execution counter measure
Order of oxygen through the body?
Precautions with drugs,
Hyperventilation, equilibrium, stress management,
Crew decision making,
Planning/execution/review counter measures,
TEM and listening techniques,
Distracted pilot sets QNH wrong??? TEM feedback, know the CAAP 5-59 Sect 23 – 14 Expand

A couple of years ago  several people where permitted access to the actual exam questions for comment and they where shocked.  The justification by CASA for most of the answers is “because it’s in the CAAP” refer to “paragraph xyz””.  Clearly the main focus of TEM sections 13-14. Most questions are all about what category something is.

TEM Important Expand From several websites Expand

This is on several websites on the internet and people regularly mention many variations of these questions are very relevant to the exam

Some of the questions that came up:
1. How many time we need to exercise in days/week?
2. What is the meaning of ‘active listening’?
3. What the meaning of the term ‘Risky Shift’?
4. Which one is appeal to be the best for pilot? P+/P-/G-/G+
5. What is the name of the reference point that been using in the cockpit seating position?
6. The correct way to fastened the seat belts…
7. The composition of the atmosphere… The percentage of nitrogen, oxygen and the carbon dioxide…
8. For the freighter pilot at night, how many hours will they sleep in order to get the max credit points?
9. What are the four main headings under stress?
10. What is the meaning of assertiveness?
11. If you are over 40, most people start to wear glasses, what is the reason for this?
12. All the light enter the eyes goes to?
13. How would you avoid Empty Field Myopia in empty sky?
14. What is the PRIMARY sensory illusion in IMC condition?
– ear and proprioceptive
– acceleration motion in ear and proprioceptive
– eyes and ear
15. Blue colourisation lips? What is that mean?
16. Rapid breathing… What is it mean?
17. Pilot climbs to 6000 ft… He got headache, a bit uneasy in breathing, and not perform as sharp as he used to… What is that mean?
A. hypoxia
B. hyperventilation
C. carbon monoxide poisoning
18. Which part of the body you pinch yourself for the pinch test?
19. How would you reduce the barotrauma for the teeth?
20. What is the function on eustachian tube?
21. Which part of the body feels hurt when you eat vegetables when you climb?
– big bowel
– small bowel
– lungs
22. One common characteristic of ageing is a deterioration of hearing. This is usually noticed first in the?
23. What is the effect of cold flu?
A. antihistamines (drowsiness)
B. ephedrine (effect vision)
23. Which is not correct regarding spatial disorientation?
24. Which is not correct regarding information processing?
25. Dark adaptation… How long it takes?
26. How would you protect yourself you to land facing the sun?
A. sunglasses
B. sun visor
C. seat fully up
D. concentrate on area over the over
* remember the sunglasses wont help you with the glare
27. For pilot, how would they get rid of the alcohol, for the most effective way?
A. drink coffee
B. wait
C. exercise
D. eating meal
* hopefully i got this right… look easy but can be confusing…
28. How would you know you are very low on approach?
A. runway slope up towards the threshold
B. runway wide
C. light not as bright as usual
D. the runway is shorter
* take me a while for this Q…
29. What is deference?
30. How to get the highest performance?
31. Checklists are under what countermeasures?
A. Planning
B. Systematic
C. Execution
D. Review
32. Pilot is way behind schedule and he is rushing. He forgot most of the things through his flight as… Which one of these are the latent threat?
A. Schedule way behind
B. rushing
33. Pilot uses a long and expired chart. He flew into CTA? Which one the the error?
A. expired chart
B. flew into CTA
C. near mid are collision
34. Due to high workload, pilot hardly communicate on the radio as it didn’t function clearly. which is the best countermeasures?
A. second radio to b carried
B. workload management
35. As the radio didn’t work very well… When communicate, pilot replying with the wrong info? What error is this?
36. What is the most important thing to do when UAS happened?
A. fix the error
B. fix the threat
C. fic the UAS
37. Pilot doing a low approach speed when coming to land. Then he manage to control the speed. What is the UAS?
A. low approach speed
B. manage to control the speed Feedback Oct 2017 Expand Had 8 questions on TEM
Know difference in symptoms between hypoxia hyperventilation CO poisoning
You are flying on a cold day and you start the fuel warm with headaches
Parts of the eye regulate intake of light
In Simulator, checklist says 80 kt and you select 70 kt,  what type of error is it?
Know eye retina→opt nerve
Acceleration errors at night and how they are interpreted.
Cold weather at what temp it starts affecting you
The pinch test  – you test on the belly or above the hip CHUF Progress
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